Another one of my bands songs..


May 10, 2008
Sunderland, UK.
hey there,

just recently re-recorded this and finally got the solo's down.. waiting to track vocals and bass tomorrow!

i'm also posting to get some tips on how to mix the orchestral part on the intro.. so any tips on how to do that, would be awesome! thanks

i'll post info if anyone wants it..



the massive bend at the end of the solo was for the "lulz"
What a cool song this is! I'd love to hear this with some vox!

I hear the orchestra is all in mono?? I'd try and place each instrument of the orchestra differently
somewhere between 100% L/R scale of your sonic image, not centered on top of each other.

You can also try some stereo imager/enhancer plugin to make the orchestra sound more massive or 'epic' if you will.

Great intro & riffing, I like :headbang:
hey guys, thanks for comments! I'll check all of them out and sort them! thanks

we ended up only doing a few vocals because the vocalist had lost his voice and was trying to find it again.. so we had millions of takes.. but heres what i have so far, its only rough..hopefully we'll do the full thing next time!
ah yeah, i didn't mix them.. i just mixed down the session as the levels were from tracking. i was actually waiting till we had finished the whole song.. instead of 17 seconds worth of vocals, haha
Fuck yeah dude, oppressively heavy, and awesome Behemoth + Dimmu vibes :headbang: Cymbals sound a bit fake (or maybe just overly present) at some points, especially the hi-hat (reminds me of one of those little "monkey playing cymbals" dolls :lol: ), but the tone is pretty brutal (though it really needs bass ;)), and the kick/snare/toms definitely get the job done! :kickass:

Oh, and also, the solo needs a 1k boost to be more prominent IMO, if I'm not mistaken a T75 used? (sounds quite hollow IMO)
Fuck yeah dude, oppressively heavy, and awesome Behemoth + Dimmu vibes :headbang: Cymbals sound a bit fake (or maybe just overly present) at some points, especially the hi-hat (reminds me of one of those little "monkey playing cymbals" dolls :lol: ), but the tone is pretty brutal (though it really needs bass ;)), and the kick/snare/toms definitely get the job done! :kickass:

Oh, and also, the solo needs a 1k boost to be more prominent IMO, if I'm not mistaken a T75 used? (sounds quite hollow IMO)

cheers man, means a lot getting reply from you!

the solo was tracked by my other guitarist.. he used EMG81, and I tracked all rhythms with my Jackson with a JB. I used revolutionz le with TSS.. I'll give it a 1k boost later, and try sorting them cymbals. think they're just a bit loud.. and its always the same with the hi-hats for superior! i can never find a good sound with them, fml! haha