Another path of life crossed....


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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So the wife and I have put a deposit on a house, I feel almost confidant to say that now, 2 days before it goes unconditional, and all seems to be leaning in our favour, just gotta see what happens, our solicitor told them we are not going to put the second deposit of $10000 on because we will pay everything at settlement. Here is hoping all works outs for us and we will have our own house finally :headbang:
Good job Southy. Here's a tip though. Don't do what I did and wait until interest rates are at their highest point for a long, long time and *then* get a fixed interest rate. Because that really sucks. Stupid Reserve Bank and world wide money crisises.
Good job Southy. Here's a tip though. Don't do what I did and wait until interest rates are at their highest point for a long, long time and *then* get a fixed interest rate. Because that really sucks. Stupid Reserve Bank and world wide money crisises.

my Advice DON'T fix at all if you can afford / avoid it, Interest rates are like Hookers knickers they will go down.

Oh congrats too, on the Purchase sholud have another .25% rate red'n buy the time you settle.
phlog, is it possible for you to get another mortgage with another institution, or are the fees involved too high? I dunno how these things work.
my Advice DON'T fix at all if you can afford / avoid it, Interest rates are like Hookers knickers they will go down.

Oh congrats too, on the Purchase sholud have another .25% rate red'n buy the time you settle.

We decided to fix it at the point where they were going up really quickly at the start of the year, and they didn't look like stopping any time soon. But they did.

Winmar said:
phlog, is it possible for you to get another mortgage with another institution, or are the fees involved too high? I dunno how these things work.

Haven't actually looked into it, but I'm pretty sure the fees would be through the roof. The wife actually knows the bank manager though (which is why we went there in the first place) so we actually got a pretty good fixed rate ate the time (lower than the variable). Something might be possible, but.
My wife works in the banking industry, no fixing here till she says it has to be done. And Tonci, I am planning on doing something, it will be a while yet though, got a letter from solicitor today, settlement is 29th of January apparently. Man I am so looking forward to this whole thing, it can only be a good thing
I just bought a house too.... Got the unconditional approval on Friday.
Had pest/building inspections done.... Pay the deposit tomrrow and settle on the 16th Jan.
Bloody long and stressful process this house buying! But will be worth it in the end
I've been in my own home for over 10 years now, and it's a huge pain in the arse. Painting and patching and mowing and cleaning and updating. Mum won't let me move back though.
The one thing worrying me about buying our own place (if we can ever afford to) is the pain-in-the-arse process of the whole thing.

But the main thing that worries me about continuing to rent is that landlords are usually fucking cunts (of varying degrees of cuntishness)*.

*I'm sure there're un-cuntish landlords, but I've yet to meet one.