Another Post Hardcore/Metalcore mix


Feb 11, 2011
Orange County
Hey guys, in the spirit of keeping this remaster thing going here's yet another project I had recorded earlier this year and recently picked up on a few things to improve my mixing game, so I dug this session out from the old storage drive and did a remix and master on it. These kids didn't have any real gear when I recorded them... Another BC Rich wielding, fender practice amp toting group of teenagers. I wasn't expecting such ill preparedness and for the money (or lack of) I was getting to do this, I threw the podfarm at them and kept it... maybe when I have literally nothing else to do I will decide to re-amp someday, but Kenya will be more likely to rise as a super power before that ever ends up happening. So for now, the guitars are a bit thin... that I'm already aware of. 100% sample replacement, crappy bass but over here in the low-end world I think i'm making do allright for what I have to work with. Tell me what you think.

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It's probably just the kick. I used a multiband in the mix stage for some low end control then also have one in my mastering chain. I parallel compressed the guitars with the comp'd fader way down as to not cutter up the sound too much. I've never side chained anything except for bass before.
how much compression do you have on the 2-buss? The dynamic is completely squashed here, particularly on the guitars - you need to let it breathe.
Ah yes, everything is definitely slammed as a result of my loudness war with other industry bigwigs (I used Sturgis masters as my reference). I had a master compressor with a slow attack and fast release on a very low threshold that went into a limiter which kept my RMS just a hair above -6db. Anymore and I would have started to get some really bad artifacts and internal clipping :yow:, I guess I succeeded in that aspect! Not that today's music really calls for much dynamic anyways :grin: