Another Revalver diddy....

Wooooow sounds fuckin brutal on my headphones... how many guitar tracks... revalver settings? :D
Thanks guys,

I was pretty happy myself with tone. I think its the best tone Ive accomplished so far for guitar with plugins. Now the settings i can just explain cause they are on another computer that is not near me at the moment.

I tracked guitar twice and then used Guitar Hacks Strait fredman Impulse on both of those. Then i duped each guitar track giving me a total of 4 tracks and then used the same revalver settings just used the 45 deg angle impulse on those 2 duped tracks. The settings on revalver were pretty simple Nikkio Preset with recto 1 i think its called. Its basically the mesa copy amp and with that all i have is amp and impulse thing in reavalver no other stuff.

I use red channel and gain at about 4
bass- 6-7
mids 4
treble 6-7
presence 6-7

Oh Guitar was esp viper 300 with the jank hz pickups. Wish i could have had my Les Paul with emg 81 here that night. Well maybe next time i can try a better guitar and see the difference.

and thats about it folks and a bit of eq after the fact with waves ren 6 band. I cut low end to 80hz. Small boost at 100hz and cut at 140hz and a cut around 3khz and a bosst at 9khz and then a low pass down to 12k.

Let me know if you want any more info and please keep the comments coming even if you think it sounds like shit. That will just drive me to work harder next time! :headbang:
Oh I forgot i had a ibenez 808 in front of direct box with settings

level 10

My settings are by 1-10 not clock based just so you know.....
Oh Guitar was esp viper 300 with the jank hz pickups. Wish i could have had my Les Paul with emg 81 here that night.

Does your guitar have 7 strings? or is a 6 strting guitar?
If the latter, How are you tuning your guitar? string number 6 is an E or Eb or D or what???
Can I get a sound like yours from a 6 strings guitar???
oh snap a few of you replied. Yea this thread is pretty old and the stuff your listening to on the top of my soundclick page is my more recent work with a pod xt pro.
Is always a good feeling when someone says your work sounds like the cd you were using as a reference. :worship:

I would like my own sound eventually but I'm just trying to make things sound good first. :guh:
perhaps u can show the images of ur settings in revalver, the mixing tracks (eq-ing, compress) if thts not too much. hahaha.. im learning to make different good tones. Seriously mate \m/
There not revalver dude! :guh:

All the top songs on my page were done with a pod xt pro. This thread is from last year and someone just brought it up recently. I think i mentioned all this a few post up......
There not revalver dude! :guh:

All the top songs on my page were done with a pod xt pro. This thread is from last year and someone just brought it up recently. I think i mentioned all this a few post up......

i just listened to "decay of the ....". sounds pretty good. what amp model did you use? and i assume you used impulses instead of the built in mic/cab simulation?