Another Review.. Thrash against Cancer Neil Turbin and the DeathRiders


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
Ok so Thrash against Cancer was Saturday. I got there at 9 am to help set up. There was a punk show the night before what a fucking mess it was. After setting up the Merch Booth My Long time friends opened the Show..Righteous Sire They were good. The Sound was a little off but by the 3rd song they dialed it in. Next up Dreams of Damnation was Dark Angel Guitarists Jim Durkin, Their singer Luana (she’s HOT) Tore up the place. She is one the best woman Thrash Singer I have ever heard. Then Koas What energy. Fuck I have known these guys for a couple of years they opened for Belladonna when he was here. They did a Vio-lence song Kill on Command. I missed a few killer bands but I was doing Testament Merch. Laaz Rockit came out with Fire in the Hole... shit I haven't seen them since they opened for M.O D. in the 90’s. Hirax.... Shit Katon always kills. Then the Great Testament with the original line up.... and yes Tony I got it signed ... what’s that you asked....... A limited 10 day's in May poster signed for Tone1970...... Signed by the Original line up.....

Oh shit I almost forgot Neil Turbin and the DeathRiders......

To start off Neils wireless mic didn't work so no one could hear him..... I videoed the first song.... but there's more..... Guess what song it was

Death rider.....he also played Panic and Metal Thrashing Mad...

After filming the 1st song I went back to the booth and then I had to run back 2 times to film these songs..... All I can say is it sucked ASS!!!!!



Neil Turbin and yours truely


Anthrax Support in the House
This guy just saw Anthrax in Spain..... Was visiting and came to the show!


Jim Durkin from Dreams of Damnation


Luana from DOD


Thraxx and Brokus Helm... See them if you can.......

More pics later.........
damn i'm bummed i missed this show..... damn it. oh well though. nothing i can do now.

but yeah that Dredd shirt looks kick ass... when Anthrax comes on over to the SF Bay Area i'll def have to pick one up. Anthrax + Alex Ross Judge Dredd = Best Idea Ever!!!!