another second stage act: DARK MIRROR


Sep 30, 2005
I am proud to announce DARK MIRROR is playing the second stage at the fest in 2013. This has to be hands down one of the easiest bookings. Super cool and totally behind what this stage and fest is about. I have wanted to see them for a long time. I used to bug the guy who booked Red Line Tap all the time about getting them. Since no one would. I did it myself.

they have a new vocalist now but you will get the point of what they sound like if you havent heard them yet.


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I will say this....hands down the best bunch of guys to work with!!! They will be show stealers. I honestly think the second stage acts could blow most of the main stage acts off stage. They are more excited and hungry for this than the larger acts who dont have to really prove themselves. i am really excited about all the acts playing it.