Another shameless plug for Fri Mar 28

Will you be tha one in the evening gown and spiked wristbands?:D:zombie:
Bruce Chickinson said:
Yeah snausi...if i were your wife, i'd knock the fuck out of you for talking like that.

See? This is why I will never get married....not because of an alleged lack of freedom, but because I'd be afraid of my future ex-wife taking a knife to my person or a blunt object to my head...or what she would do to me in court if I made the dumbass mistake of not having a pre-nuptual agreement.

"Well, smylex, the terms of the divorce is that she's keeping the house, half of your gross income regardless of whether or not she remarries and she also gets one of your eyes."


(Insert evil, female cackling here.):Shedevil:

It's just not happening!
smylex said:
See? This is why I will never get married....not because of an alleged lack of freedom, but because I'd be afraid of my future ex-wife taking a knife to my person or a blunt object to my head...or what she would do to me in court if I made the dumbass mistake of not having a pre-nuptual agreement.

"Well, smylex, the terms of the divorce is that she's keeping the house, half of your gross income regardless of whether or not she remarries and she also gets one of your eyes."


(Insert evil, female cackling here.):Shedevil:

It's just not happening!

Man, I got off cheap! Well, except for the crushed heart thing, but they tell me that is just temporary...

Yep, Mr Toast was once married briefly when he was a young lad. I hope she and my ex best friend are still happy together - I'm such a hard person to get along with!

But this thread is about the SCS gig... have much fun Wanda! If I had remembered to check, I probably would have flown out to see this - the awesome Hogues sound by itself didn't quite entice me... and I'll get your birthday present to you later!

Hopefully I'll catch another of your SCS performances later in the year (along with a Maidens or other gig to make for a good extended vacation).
smylex said:
See? This is why I will never get married....not because of an alleged lack of freedom, but because I'd be afraid of my future ex-wife taking a knife to my person or a blunt object to my head...or what she would do to me in court if I made the dumbass mistake of not having a pre-nuptual agreement.

thats sounds all to familiar.....