Another Superior tune...

May 23, 2008
I'm still attempting to get what I want out of 2.0. After Splat88's latest incredible sounding mix, yet again, I got inspired to give it another go before I just give up all together. :(

Here's my latest effort... It's a full mix.

As always, let me know if you think I'm making any progress.

This sounds really good!
THe snare sounds a bit too far back though.
Love the way the bass and the guitar are sitting together.
How did you record the guitar, bass?

Good job!
When i heard the drums alone in the intro i was like "there's way too much reverb/room mic" but once in the mix it's killer.

Very nice guitar sound also.

The overall mix sounds great.

EDIT: This is one of the best clips i've heard on this forum dude... and i'm a very picky dude !
EDIT: This is one of the best clips i've heard on this forum dude... and i'm a very picky dude !


This is a huge compliment concerning it's coming from you. I've noticed you're VERY picky, but that's good. Thanks so much for the feedback. You're giving me hope to continue on and not just give up.

This sounds really good!
THe snare sounds a bit too far back though.
Love the way the bass and the guitar are sitting together.
How did you record the guitar, bass?

Good job!

Thanks man! Again, I was just working with 2.0 and just threw some random guitar part over it just to have something to work with in 2.0. Guitar was recorded with an Ibanez Universe into a Mesa Roadking. The bass is an Ibanez 5 string soundgear direct into the DAW using the Ampeg SVX plug in. I think the thing that helped the most was the inclusion of the Voxengo Crunchessor plug-in on the overall drum mix.
More than ever can you go a little more in depth on this mix? Love the bass and guitar sound and the drums. Any chance to post the presets of bass and drums?:kickass:

Also guitars are Mesa Roadking with impulses or miked?
Thanks so much for sharing! :worship:

Just if you ampd the guitars?
And if you get a chance....what processing did you do to the bass guitar after the plug? So sweet how that bass just sits with the drums and the guitar!