Anouncing the Launch of ZEPHYRBLOG!


Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
This message is to inform all my friends, relatives, schoolmates, and fellow metalheads that I have created a personal web blog that will function both as a journal to share my life, and also a site for exposure and review of the latest in the underground metal scene, including album reviews, interviews, and breaking news.

Please bookmark this link. To subscribe to the RSS feed, inquire within:

I will be updating this blog frequently in the coming months so be sure to keep pace and check out what I have to offer, whether you desire a view into my life at school or you are a fellow enthusiast of my preferred musical styles.

Please give my site a look, even if it’s just once, and encourage me with your comments and suggestions. Thanks!

That about sums it up (message I sent out to everybody). I appreciate all your input. I put a good deal of effort into this and I plan to continue that for as long as I'm supported.
