Anouncing the Launch of ZEPHYRBLOG!


Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
This message is to inform all my friends, relatives, schoolmates, and fellow metalheads that I have created a personal web blog that will function both as a journal to share my life, and also a site for exposure and review of the latest in the underground metal scene, including album reviews, interviews, and breaking news.

Please bookmark this link. To subscribe to the RSS feed, inquire within:

I will be updating this blog frequently in the coming months so be sure to keep pace and check out what I have to offer, whether you desire a view into my life at school or you are a fellow enthusiast of my preferred musical styles.

Please give my site a look, even if it’s just once, and encourage me with your comments and suggestions. Thanks!

That about sums it up (message I sent out to everybody). I appreciate all your input. I put a good deal of effort into this and I plan to continue that for as long as I'm supported.

that little void in my life that I've been gripping with has just been filled

and by "little void" I mean my arsehole

Hehe, thanks.

Looks like I've got both a potential review and interview in the works. I'm going to be sent a copy of an album from a local black metal band, and I'm planning an interview with a member of a local grindcore project.
This lady at work has a daily blog she sends out. It's like, "we had this for dinner and my daughter had a lot of homework. We went to the store and I made some necklaces and my husband played a gig. The new kitten attacked a bag for 30 minutes."

One the one hand it's cool, and she is a cool person. On the other hand it's just daily life and not really that newsworthy.
I'm sure you can find some more underground stuff you can promote, like I'm doing. Helps to have a university network to facilitate communication, where there's a high concentration of people of the typical metal age.
Yeah, Nick and I (Slam-Minded) get offers for things to be sent to us, so we've gotten some free albums and stuff to review. It's been fun so far!
Yeah, Nick and I (Slam-Minded) get offers for things to be sent to us, so we've gotten some free albums and stuff to review. It's been fun so far!

Does getting free CD's ever make either of you feel bad about giving bad reviews?
Does getting free CD's ever make either of you feel bad about giving bad reviews?

Luckily everything we've gotten has had some kind of merit. Then again we're dealing with music that is hard to fuck up. Then again, I just remembered I got the Anal Blast best of album from Mutilated Records and I said it was crappy for the most part iirc.
as random as this may be, I have read your "Top 10 Metal Bands Feature" on your blog, and i noticed "Aborym-Generator" on your list. I thought I would tell you to check out Count Nosferatu Kommando. They are similar, only slightly more Industrial.

Besides that, great blog dude. You already caught my interest.

So if I set up a blog, I get free albums?
I have received two and a T-Shirt :D. Of course this has come along with many hours of research and writing. We also never ask for free stuff, which I think is a good policy. I really enjoy doing whatever small bit I can to help underground bands playing what I love, and I'm sure Zeph feels the same.

Does getting free CD's ever make either of you feel bad about giving bad reviews?
As V5 said, everything we have received has been decent or very good, but I don't think it would affect me.

Great work on the blog Zeph! It seems well put together and worth reading for many reasons. All that prep work paid off. Thanks for repping Slam-Minded. Also, this Nick Adams guy sounds fantastic
as random as this may be, I have read your "Top 10 Metal Bands Feature" on your blog, and i noticed "Aborym-Generator" on your list. I thought I would tell you to check out Count Nosferatu Kommando. They are similar, only slightly more Industrial.

Besides that, great blog dude. You already caught my interest.

Great work on the blog Zeph! It seems well put together and worth reading for many reasons. All that prep work paid off. Thanks for repping Slam-Minded. Also, this Nick Adams guy sounds fantastic
