Anselmo Speaks...

It's the video of what Phil said from Zod's initial post in this thread, which didn't cover everything. It's pretty emotional concerning Dime, and Phil gives a giant "fuck you" to the metal media. I watched it once and not sure if I'll watch it again.

Should work in Windows Media Player, do you have that?
Yeah, that was indeed pretty hard to watch. You can tell how deeply, deeply, fucked up he is over this. And even though I'm not a big Anselmo fan, I just feel bad for him. They were all good guys and its been torn away from them.
That was pretty heartwrenching. To be honest, it made me think about my friends and how I'd react in this situation, and I don't think I could be quite as strong as Phil was (or did his best to be). It's a situation that doesn't really bare contemplating.