answer me this one question


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
why does Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines exist?

i was watching it on saturday night and the character of john connor asks ahnold why he came back since they blew up cyberdyne systems ten years previously and stopped judgement day and ahnold says that judgement day is inevitable and that their efforts only postponed it.

granted this would be a logical and satisfying argument for me to have the usual willing suspension of disbelief and enjoy the movie except for one problem:

wasn't the last scene in T2 an image of an old sarah connor many years in the future alive and well because they STOPPED judgement day?

i know i am being a nerd and probably examining what is essentially just a popcorn special effects movie WAY too much but i mean is it too much to ask hollywood for some kind of logical consistency in movies?
wow. i didn't realize the extent of this. thanks alex!

A plot thread in the fifth season of the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer played with the idea of the retcon. (Warning: spoilers follow.) At the end of the first episode of the season, Buffy meets a girl who she recognises (and, in subsequent episodes, everyone else also recognises) as her younger sister Dawn — despite the established fact, reiterated earlier in the same episode, that Buffy is an only child. It is eventually explained that Dawn's arrival was accompanied by a magic spell that changed people's memories and altered reality to provide apparent evidence (family photos, etc.) that Dawn had been around for years. The result is something that looks a lot like a retcon but isn't actually, because there is no change in the established facts of the series (i.e. it remained an established fact that Buffy had not had a sister in the previous four-seasons-and-most-of-one-episode).