answering machines

better than 'this is a call for mr. patterson, i'm calling from (insert company name here) to inform you that you are one of our finalists in a competition you didnt know you were in. please call us back at the national (lottery) rate and discover your prize.'

i cant believe these bastards leave messages now. cunT.
I like mine, it only creates the illusion of being able to contact me. The quality of the recording sucks so badly that I can hardly recognize the speaker. Most of them don't care to leave a message anyway after a brief and annoyed "nich' da" (-> away). Puritanical Misanthropic Euphoria Enthrone Darkness Triumphant.
I hate people who have their answering machine messages and it sounds like they have picked up and your frantically trying to figure out why they cant hear you

"hello... hello... What... Oh alrite howsit going.... hahaha you thought I was really here then. Leave a message ya gullible tit"
thats my friend Dans voicemail n it pisses me off everytime.
wouldn't you have to be a bit dull to fall for that though, especially after the first time
Strangelight said:
I dont get why people call but dont leave a message. "You have 3 messages" and all 3 are the sound of someone shuffling about then hanging up straight away.

Yeah sorry Dunc that was me, I was putting my cock back in me kecks upset that I didnt get to spray all over the phone box while the voice on the other end threatened to call the police.
I had some dark soundscape from Thou Shalt Suffer as a phone answering message - my mom got scared as hell ;) five years ago I thought this was cool
Alwin said:
I had some dark soundscape from Thou Shalt Suffer as a phone answering message - my mom got scared as hell ;) five years ago I thought this was cool
And now it sounds cheap ah ah!
But well, indeed TSS was good...a few years ago.
Cellphones are horrible, and it contributes to the development of brain tumours.(that's sth i believe in)
Strangelight said:
I dont get why people call but dont leave a message. "You have 3 messages" and all 3 are the sound of someone shuffling about then hanging up straight away.
my favorite is when someone calls me at work and says "I've been trying to get ahold of you for days" and when I ask, no, they didn't actually leave a voice mail...evidently my powers of psychic message retrieval should be sufficient