Anthrax album survivor, round 2

Which Anthrax album is your least favorite?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
That's cause we can see who they are now :lol:

Happy April Fools:grin:

Just kidding. Sorry couldn't resist.

How can you not like WCFYA. It's probably the best album Anthrax has ever done. But it wouldn't have been what it is if it weren't for th ohter albus including Fistful.
This is just my opinion, but We've Come For You All should not be on the list. It hasn't been released everywhere yet! I can't judge an album until I've heard it!
even though I know SOE is gonna get voted off this round, I still am sticking with Volume 8. Just cannot get into it. I can stand the first three songs, but after that it gets sloppy. SOE I can actually listen to the whole thing and not skip tracks, still today. After this round I am ganna have a hard time, but Volume 8 is gonna keep getting my vote till it gone.
The poll is closed? How come? And who the fuck dares vote WCFYA???????? I'm gonna snatch their ass in a beartrap, come clean you fuckers!
why dont you eat my ass bratprincess and johnnieczech.
smart ass pieces of shit. yeah i said it..... what you gonna do about it you fake cocksmokers.

sorry about the language i just finished watching jay and silent bob strike back!!!!