Anthrax album survivor, round 5

Which of these albums is your least favorite?

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  • Poll closed .
I have decided to go for what i believe is the weakest of the john bush are albums Stomp 442. Although there are killer tunes on it i do not listen to it right through. Next vote shall be for vol 8 in the next round
I am surprised that Among is leading right now. I mean, we all know Bush is a better singer but Among is a classic. Anyway, i voted for stomp 442.
Thrax Attack said:
I am surprised that Among is leading right now. I mean, we all know Bush is a better singer but Among is a classic. Anyway, i voted for stomp 442.
I agree about Among being a classic, so I'm also suprised it's leading. That being said, I still think SOWN, Stomp and Volume 8 were all better albums. Among is still better than Persistence or WCFYA, so I hope it doesn't get the boot this early.
Come on, I am still pissed that Spreading the Disease got off. That album is awesome! I like Anthrax's newer stuff and Bush's vocals are better, but I'm sorry, in my opinion Among and Spreading are still better than any other album they've done. My vote goes to Sound of White noise.
My boot must goto Volume 8. A few great songs followed by too many not so great songs at least not when put together like these other albums. Among and Sound have to make it close to the end. Those are my two favorites. WCFYA is also awesome. Stomp is similar to Volume 8 for me.
How does an an album like Stomp, that is both heavier and far more consistent than WCFYA have 8 votes while WCFYA has zero?

I'd vote for WCFYA, but I have to vote strategically, as I don't want to see either Stomp or Among go out this early. Persistence gets the vote!
thunderhead said:
:OMG:Must be A LOT of new Anthrax fans here. Who could say that Volume 8 is BETTER than Spreading the Disease. I think I'm gonna be sick.
As an "old" fan of Anthrax, I can say that Volume 8 is MUCH BETTER than Spreading the Disease. However, I'd say both Stomp and Volume 8 are both much better than WCFYA, but it appears that most other people are still in the honeymoon phase with WCFYA because it still has zero votes. But it's all opinion, right?