Anthrax and bands @ Hard Rock Cafe tonight at 8:30 - Chicago


Aug 23, 2003
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David from Disturbed was on the radio here in Chicago yesterday and announced that ALL THE BANDS playing tomorrow night, along with the surviving members of Damageplan and any special guests who will be playing tomorrow will be having a pre-show party tonight at the Hard Rock Cafe downtown Chicago. He said he can't confirm or deny any of the special guests rumored, he said that all the special guests and bands that will be performing tomorrow night WILL be at the Hard Rock TONIGHT at 8:30. Public is supposedly welcome. It's gonna be tight!!!!! :rock:
Oh, he also said that AFTER the show tomorrow night the bands will be heading to Rockbar on North Ave. which is the bar that David owns for a post-show party. Damn, lots of partying, I guess that's how Darrell would've wanted it. Anyways, if you DON'T have tix to the show get to Rockbar early, it's a small ass place. And I don't know about the rest of you, but I CAN'T WAIT to see Vinnie behind the kit again tomorrow!!!! That's all.