Anthrax In Belfast


New Metal Member
Mar 27, 2004
Has anyone heard of any support dates for anthrax in Belfast? If you have it would be very much appreciated if you would tell me.

cheers :hotjump:
i aint heard of them either? are you guys goin on teh 19th? it will be fuckin awesome im goin to see metallica 6 days later that will be fuckin leathel aswell
i saw Metallica and Slipknot in glasgow 9 days ago, Metallica were good but Slipknots energy was brilliant, you'll have fun watching them...(the thrax will be better though!)
Oh I don't believe for a second that I will enjoy the Metallica/Slipknot gig more than Anthrax. Anthrax have/will always been/be my favourite band, and this weekend will be around the 8 & 9th times that I've seen them live. I really can't wait, although I wonder will the bands interaction with the crowd be any different without Frankie. He really interacted with the Dublin crowd last year. And they haven't been in Belfast since the 80's. The last gig in Northern Ireland they done was around '89 in the Bangor Leisure Centre and they walked off after 8 or 9 songs cos some wanker was spitting at them. He got some hammering outside the venue I can tell you. It better not happen again this time.

Slipknot always seem to be giving it death. 110% all the time, while Metallica seem to wimping out a bit these days. They are still great to see live, but no-one that Ive seen beats Anthrax, with the possible exception of Pantera in their day. Slipknots new album is killer, and I expect there to be some serious moshing done that day, but this weekend is going to be mental.
anthrax kicked as last night so did stampoing ground it was even beter cos me and 2 other guys met rob which was fucking awesome
Ulster Mosher said:
And they haven't been in Belfast since the 80's. The last gig in Northern Ireland they done was around '89 in the Bangor Leisure Centre and they walked off after 8 or 9 songs cos some wanker was spitting at them. He got some hammering outside the venue I can tell you. It better not happen again this time.

The spitting thing actually happened in Omagh. I was there & there was a lot more than one guy doing it. I saw a couple more of the same kind of idiots at the gig last night threw drink at Joey. I hope the pit dealt with the bastards.
i was talkin to one of the guys who was spittin he wasnt spittin at the guys just at teh bassist but i dont know why he was pretty good....ok he wasnt frank but he done a good job
So because they were not spitting at the band members you know, just the bassplayer who is filling in for Frank, it is okay? Those fucktards should all be beaten. Were it not for Joey Vera stepping up after Frank left the band on the eve of the Australian/Japanese tour, there would be no European tour right now. Joey should not be spit at, he should be applauded. And why would anyone go to a show if they dislike someone in the band that much that they would spit on them? Makes no fucking sense.

kellz said:
The spitting thing actually happened in Omagh. I was there & there was a lot more than one guy doing it. I saw a couple more of the same kind of idiots at the gig last night threw drink at Joey. I hope the pit dealt with the bastards.
The spitting "thing" actually happened at Bangor, Omagh AND Dublin. I was at all three gigs that year. One guy got a hiding in Bangor, but the rest should have got the same treatment. I remember the band wondering why it had happened. Some kid told them that they were spitting cos they liked them, but the band couldn't figure out why people would pay money to see a band they liked just to spit at them. To be honest I thought it was fucking stupid. Anyone who spits at a band or throws shit about towards the band etc, should all be strung up by the bollocks. That shit makes me mad.
It fuckin' mystifies me how anyone can justify spitting at someone.

The gig was feckin' lethal & the band were on top form including Joey. Why the fuck would anyone want to play somewhere when some dickheads show their "appreciation" by gobbing over you. Some serious beatings need handed out.

I forgot about the Bangor gig in '89. :oops: :oops: Sorry