Anthrax Interviewed By Sebastian Bach

The 80's + cocaine =
That Matt Fallon mention cracked me up. "the guy who never sang" - he was in Anthrax right after Turbin and before Joey I think? And he was also Skid Row's singer before Sebastian joined.
"He has said 6ft 3 to an autograph dealer and in print aswell as saying in the Toronto Sun, "I'm 6'5" and 195 (pounds)".

Doesn't he sing in one of the songs "Six foot four and lonely"? He needs to make his fuckin mind up! :loco:

I always thought Scott was a bit of a dwarf, but he doesn't look any smaller than the rest of them. Maybe they're all tiny and Sebastian is tall anyway.

Good interview, pretty funny. I can see Don Nelson threatening to kick Seb's ass now, for some publicity.