Anthrax/Megadeth/Slayer set lists and review

My take on the Orlando show.

Anthrax, Megadeth and Slayer.
Saturday, October 2nd at the Hard Rock Live in Orlando.

I'll start with the venue. This was my first time attending a show here. The sound was amazing, once someone remembered to flip the "on" switch half way through Anthrax's first song. The show was general admission on the floor with a balcony area above looking down, kind of like the House of Blues in Orlando. Advice - if you are under 6 feet tall, spend the extra bucks for the balcony, you won't see a damn thing unless you are up front. The next time I go to a show there, I'll get the balcony because you also have the chance to take a seat between bands.

Anthrax has been a huge part of my musical life. Anthrax has been a huge part of all my closest friends' musical lives as well. You can't flip through a photo album without seeing Anthrax shirts everywhere. I firmly believe there were more Anthrax shirts in Spring Hill growing up than any other band. I've met the guys in the band on numerous occasions and they have all been class acts - I'm talking to you Scott and Joey! \m/. These guys constantly have proven to me that they go above and beyond the call of duty for their fans. Anthrax has been the one band that I've tried to track down every b-side and non-album track they have ever released. I enjoy them that much. I can't even say that about KISS. Those of you who know me very well will understand the magnitude of that statement.

Right before 7 PM Anthrax hit the stage. They haven't sounded better. Joey is in top form and still hits all his highs. The new guitarist, Robert Caggiano (no more Dan Spitz) did an excellent job and has actually been a part of Anthrax for the better part of 10 years off and on. Frankie Bello is a madman on stage and is highly entertaining. Scott Ian is a monster that crushes all. Charlie. Charlie has cemented in my mind as the most underrated drummer in heavy metal history. The man was handing out double-kick fills like Dunkin has Donuts. Some of the fastest feet I've ever heard were last night.

I was fully expecting nothing but a greatest hits set list and probably the same songs I've heard live since the Sound Of White Noise tour. I was only half right, and honestly after their performance don't give a damn. They nailed it. They stole the show. They played for 40-45 minutes? What? Any sound curfew be damned, Anthrax deserves a minimum hour set. Period. I felt insulted as a fan (not by them, but by the situation). No matter, they took their time and destroyed live. This was better than both times I saw them on SOWN, Stomp 442 and Volume 8 tours as well as the small unannounced show on the Persistence of Time tour that I was privileged to attend when Maiden canceled their show. They simply haven't sounded better. Ever. I can't wait to see them next year after they release their new album with Joey back on vocals where he belongs. Hopefully it lasts longer this time around.

<span>Anthrax live set:</span>
  1. Caught In A Mosh
  2. Madhouse
  3. Anti-social
  4. Indians (complete with Joey headdress)
  5. A.I.R. (<--- holy shit the highlight of the night, what a surprise)
  6. Metal Thrashing Mad
  7. I Am The Law
Now, not to knock Megadeth and Slayer, because that would be wrong, I'll sum up their performances as well.

They sounded tight musically. Almost like the album. Mustaine's voice mix was sub-par or maybe he just was, I can't honestly say because this was the first time I've seen a complete Megadeth set (the first time I left after 2-3 songs because Motorhead demanded my presence backstage and then on stage for their set - Megadeth be damned). I did enjoy them. That being said, unless they are part of a package tour like this again, I'd probably pass on seeing them again. I love Megadeth, don't get me wrong, I own every album, but perhaps being sammiched between Anthrax and Slayer steals some of their thunder. They just didn't leave me with that "WOW" feeling.

They did play the entire Rust In Peace album from start to finish, which was pretty damn cool.

Megadeth live set:
  1. Holy Wars...the Punishment Due
  2. Hangar 18
  3. Take No Prisoners
  4. Five Magicks
  5. Poison Was The Cure
  6. Lucretia
  7. Tornado Of Souls
  8. Dawn Patrol
  9. Rust In Peace... Polaris
  10. Trust
  11. Headcrusher
  12. A Tout La Monde
  13. Symphony Of Destruction
  14. Peace Sells
  15. Holy Wars (reprise)
After Peace Sells, Megadeth was over their allotted time (they had a big ass digital clock on the side of the stage counting down their time. Which is upsetting because that time could have and should have been given to Anthrax. Really? Holy Wars reprise? That was an 8th song for Anthrax. While we're at it.. A Tout La Monde? Trust? ZZZzzzzzzzzzz Anthrax's set could have and should have been 10 songs at this point. I understand A Tout La Monde was a huge hit, but after just playing an entire set of a monster album front to back this was weak.


Slayer kills live. Their energy is monstrous. If you have never seen them live, you just will never understand. There's a reason there's a sterotype for metal heads who just run around or hang out of a driving car window throwing horns and yelling "SLLLAAAAYYYYEERRRR". It pretty much sums up the only true way of describing seeing them live. No other words do it justice.

Lomardo rules. He's a machine. He sits at the throne where all metal drummers prostrate before him.

They played the entire Seasons In The Abyss album. \m/

Slayer live set:
  1. World Painted Blood
  2. Hate Worldwide
  3. War Ensemble
  4. Blood Red
  5. Spirit In Black
  6. Expendable Youth
  7. Dead Skin Mask
  8. Hallowed Point
  9. Skeletons Of Society
  10. Temptation
  11. Born Of Fire
  12. Seasons In The Abyss
  13. South Of Heaven
  14. Raining Blood
  15. Aggressive Perfector (<--- holy shit)
  16. Angel Of Death (with extended Lombardo crazy ass double-kick from hell)
So All in all, it was a night full of metal goodness. Aside from me bitching about Anthrax's set time (as well as lots of other folks) it was a great night. It would have been cool if Anthrax was allotted time to play one of their albums in their entirety as well, but maybe next time.

One last gripe. $35 for a tour shirt in this economy? NO SALE.
Great night!! My other bitch would be Chris Broderick changing the lead guitar part in Peace Sells...WTF!! You don;t do that to a classic like Peace Sells. Dave sounds progressively worse every time I see him....
Thanks for the good review. I saw Megadeth and Slayer on the original Rust and Seasons tours, so I do not feel a strong need to see them as old fogies. I would, however, like to see Anthrax. I never saw them back in the day even though I loved em back then and still like their classics a lot. Sounds like this is not the tour to see them on though.
One last gripe. $35 for a tour shirt in this economy? NO SALE.

Yep, that's an "arena" price, the sort I usually associate with the venue getting a percentage of the merch sales. Maybe the Hard Rock was getting it. Larger arenas and amphitheaters usually do.

Contrariwise, T-shirts on the Katatonia tour were $20 each, and I rewarded that with two T-shirt purchases, one for Katatonia and one for Orphaned Land. Ka-ching!