Anthrax Merchandise Farce!


Metal Madman
Feb 15, 2002
Northern Michigan
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What the fuck is up with the Anthrax merchandise? Never any goddamn 2XL! Geez, is it too fucking much to ask!? FanFire and BandRags suck! They are biased against the larger community. I am not going to pay $20 for an XL shirt that will no doubt shrink when it's washed. Please help us all!

I?m here to dance and have some fun
But when you see me you just run
The sight of me just seems to make you squirm
Might as well just put a sign outside
?Must be this thin to ride this ride?
It?s not my fault you?re smaller than my sperm
Too fat for the pit
Too fat for the pit
Too fat for the pit
Too fat for the motherfucking
(pit) You?ve got an open mind
And in your heart you?ll never find
A fear of any color creed or race
And that?s why I don?t understand
Why do you fear the portly man
It?s not like I?m gonna eat your face
Too fat for the pit
Too fat for the pit
Too fat for the pit
Too fat for the motherfucking pit
(Best breakdown I've ever written)
I?m 26 now, I?ve got a wife
And I?ve never stagedived once in my life
I tried it once, in ?94
The kids stepped back, I hit the floor
And the one thing I most despite
Most bands don?t make shirts in my size
They?ve got XL, and sure it fits
But shows my ass crack and hugs tight against my tits
Tight against my tits
Tight against my tits
Too fat for the pit
I?m here to dance and have some fun
But when you see me you just run
The sight of me just seems to make you squirm
You fear me cuz I need a bra
It?s blatant sumophobia
It?s not my fault you?re smaller than my motherfucking sperm

Your pain has been felt, and expressed in song, by the marvelous Worm Quartet