Anthrax get your fucking finger out NOW!

Hurry up and get a new singer and keep us better posted. What is up with the cdc? the members are totally fucking bored. Scott posts once a month to tell us what kind of taco he ate or where he went for a drink and says things will get sorted out and that's it. Frank and Charlie can't even be bothered to do anything much. How long does a quick message fuckin take? No fuckin time. I've seen Frank browsing a coupla times but never put anything on. No competitions for ages, a few pissy fotos and some demos which were good if you don't think Pantera were shite. It's not the money that was paid cos the t-shirt was worth that, it's the fact that nobody can be bothered doing anything for the fans.
This isn't a cdc moan, it's a complaint in general. Anthrax seem to be all about the business these days but don't seem to realise that so many fans are turning against them. Scott seems to be the only member who gives a fuck. I'm still pretty angry about Bello doing his dvd segment from his accountant's office. What message is thet sending? I've met all these guys, particularly Bello and Charlie and I can confirm that they are EXTREMELY genuine, nice people so none of this is personal at all, but we should be told a whole lot more and looked after wee bit better. I'd like a band member to reply to this please.

You'll get nothing and like it!!!!

...really...this band has lost its relevancy. It's time to hang it up.

...just my .02

<<puts on Among The Living>>
today the cdc is full of action! they search a headbanger. what a f....!
they should search a singer.

i think also its not really much, what Frank and Charlie do...

But who can help them? The have no singer. and no leadguitar that can do the fanstuff.

but scott can do some rapstuff and play cards....

damn it, is it too late to be a winning headbanger as I haven't checked the cdc in awhile. Heck with a new singer and a killer new cd, I want to be claimed number one headbanger! :Smug:
by the way, I find all posts whether seriously depressed ones or very LOL funny killer to read.

I have been an Anthrax fan since the 80's myself and I don't find any reason that one has to keep his mouth shut from making jokes in what is yet again another depressing period in being an anthrax fan.

If people were getting personal in their comments towards the band members, i would be the first to say that that is crap. On the other hand, I do find that it is easy to come up with funny comments. I support tons of bands both old and new bands and NO one puts this much silence up towards at least giving their die hard fans any feedback.

Just my two cents.