Anthrax on VH1 Classics


New Metal Member
Aug 10, 2005
According to TIVO, ANthrax will be on a show called "Hanging With" on VH1 Classics. My Tivo is recording the episode at 3 am (monday morning), but it shows that it will be on all week long.
Yep, it was a repeat. I have it, but it is listed as Metal Mania, not hanging with. Cool interviews though.

among_the_dead said:
Its a repeat ive already seen it back in may-june.
I_am_138 said:
According to TIVO, ANthrax will be on a show called "Hanging With" on VH1 Classics. My Tivo is recording the episode at 3 am (monday morning), but it shows that it will be on all week long.
Cool, Thanks. I just set my TiVo
I_am_138 said:
Yep, it was a repeat. I have it, but it is listed as Metal Mania, not hanging with. Cool interviews though.
I just set my TiVo and the show is listed as Hangin With. It's a series. I saw one with Priest a few weeks ago.