Anthrax perform on MuchMusic

My biggest problems with him are a lack of real feeling in his singing and the fact that he could never sing for shit live,
I saw a vid on Youtube where he just destroyed Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, and got tons of praise. I don't get it.

That is such a ridiculous statement that it's not even worth debating over. No real feeling, can't sing for shit live? You are honestly retarded if that is what you really think

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Here it is:

If this is who you consider the greatest singer of all time, well...I feel very sorry for you.

For one, that is not that bad. If this is the worst you can find i feel sorry for YOU. For 2 it's a cover and not his own. And yes Bruce Dickinson is my favorite heavy metal vocalist of all time. Not just in studio, but live. There are not many vocalists that can pull of what he does both with his voice and what he does on the stage.

Still sounds a lot better than this

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Here it is:

If this is who you consider the greatest singer of all time, well...I feel very sorry for you.

Wow i pushed played and scrolled away to read more and had to scroll back to make sure it was even iron maiden, cause i've heard garage bands do this better.
Everyone has band days or there are just songs they don't sound that good at. I do think Bruce is better than this even though he is not one of my fav singers.
Yes alot of these guys are over 50 and its amazing there still even up there.
For one, that is not that bad. If this is the worst you can find i feel sorry for YOU. For 2 it's a cover and not his own. And yes Bruce Dickinson is my favorite heavy metal vocalist of all time. Not just in studio, but live. There are not many vocalists that can pull of what he does both with his voice and what he does on the stage.

Still sounds a lot better than this

I wasn't talking to you asshole, and I know Ozzy is a pretty shitty singer. He's not one of the most praised vocalists of all time, though his voice is loved by alot of people.

Once again, I've suffered through some of Live After Death and it is by far the biggest drop in a perfomance I've heard going from studio to live. Kind of like listening to SSOASS then going to NPFTD, oh makes sense.

Yeah, I think he can't sing for shit live. Don't use the majority rules argument, that makes you retarded.

And it's not the worst I can find, it's the only one I can find since I don't put myself through the torture of listening to him butcher his own perfomances on Youtube.
Maiden is one of the best "live" bands in metal. Bruce always gives it 100%

Anyone that has seen Iron Maiden live especially more than once will agree with you. If not they just flat out don't know much about the band, follow them etc. I have been to just about every metal show in the Los Angeles area for the past 20 years. There has never been any band that has consistently put on amazing performances as Iron Maiden. Not even close. An Iron Maiden show is not just a concert, it is an experience, Bruce always gives it his all and sounds amazing live. Sure he will have bad days, but over all he is amazing.

I saw them on the World Slavery Tour a few years ago and that was honestly the best performance I have ever seen by any band ever. I have seen Maiden at least 15 times and this was better than any show I have ever seen them do dating back to the Seventh Son tour

The only other bands I can say have even come close are Slayer and Pantera. And Slayer not because of any other reason then they just come out and destroy shit. Pantera ruled back on the Far Beyond Driven days. I saw the Vulgar Display of Power tour and that was intense.

But Iron Maiden rules all of them live imo.
Well Ozzy isn't known for his talent but his unique voice, Kinda like John Bush. May different singer are like for many different reason all a personal prefference.
Seen alot of Live shows and that's a personal thing to, i judge from whole experience. Like Judas Priest put on decent shows, always sounded decent, one of the loudest shows but they were always pricks except the time with Ripper. I don't think Maiden is best live either but i'm not a big fan of them. but i don't have alot of bad to say about them live. I've also played a few songs of theirs over the years, not the easiest but i really enjoy doing Hallowed be thy name.
Well Ozzy isn't known for his talent but his unique voice, Kinda like John Bush. May different singer are like for many different reason all a personal prefference.
Seen alot of Live shows and that's a personal thing to, i judge from whole experience. Like Judas Priest put on decent shows, always sounded decent, one of the loudest shows but they were always pricks except the time with Ripper. I don't think Maiden is best live either but i'm not a big fan of them. but i don't have alot of bad to say about them live. I've also played a few songs of theirs over the years, not the easiest but i really enjoy doing Hallowed be thy name.

I like some of Priest. Seen them many times. Usually the same thing and ends with Rob Halford on a motorcycle in a leather outfit. What do you mean they were a bunch of pricks? Who have you seen that put on a better live show than Iron Maiden? Not just musical preference but the production of the show itself?

yeah i love the studio version of that song, but that was a horrible performance and just plain awkward at times. strange to think that is the same band who performed on the "oidivnikufesin" video. they should've just changed their name around that time because they seriously had become a totally different band altogether.

i need to go listen to "A Skeleton in the Closet" now so i can reconnect.
Once again, I've suffered through some of Live After Death and it is by far the biggest drop in a perfomance I've heard going from studio to live

What a load of shite. Look, if you don't like Live After Death, you're clearly not an Iron Maiden fan, so why are you even spouting this shit?
If you don't like Iron Maiden, fine, move the fuck along, no one's forcing you to listen to them.

Christ on a bike, this shit is almost as bad as the Joey v Bush crap around here.
I am an IM fan, I love their music and have all their studio albums. I don't like Bruce voice that much, yes, and his live perfomance is unlistenable to me. I was arguing that he was more overrated than bad, but I feel he needs the studio.
I am an IM fan, I love their music and have all their studio albums. I don't like Bruce voice that much, yes, and his live perfomance is unlistenable to me. I was arguing that he was more overrated than bad, but I feel he needs the studio.

It is hard to believe that you can be an Iron Maiden fan and not like Live after Death and also not like Bruce's voice. I have never met one single Iron Maiden fan that found Live After Death "Unlistenable". Never met any Iron maiden fan that has seen them live and came back saying "God I love Maiden but Bruce Dickinson is just unlistenable'. Quite ridiculous for someone who claims to be a Maiden fan.
I never said I can't listen to Bruce, I said he's overrated in my opinion. I do dislike his voice live, in the studio it doesn't bother me. It just isn't my favorite part of the band. It's not that much of a detractor though, he's written some of the best lyrics ever. His actual voice to me is just too strained.

I don't see how I couldn't be a Maiden fan, I have all their albums and I can guarantee you I know just as much about ALL of their music and history as you and any other fan. I have said before I don't like Ozzy's voice, but I still listen to Sabbath and his 80s albums.
@ShadowOfTheWave: do you like any band's singer's voice?

No kidding.

I would like to know 20 vocalists in metals history that are better than Bruce Dickinson. Not just pure voice but also stage presence, energy, and just over all being an icon in the history of heavy metal music.

If that is too hard just limit it down to 10. If that is too hard limit it down to 5. Have fun and good luck.