Anthrax - The Greater of Two Evils


Dec 9, 2003
Anybody looking forward to this one? I know I am. In case you hadn't heard, they rerecorded 14 Belladonna era tracks live in the studio. I just found an advance copy on Soulseek to use to review for metalreview. We didn't get an advance, or at least haven't yet. I'll definitely be picking this up though on 11/23.
I must say that this release is redundant. I don't know who it's supposed to appeal to? I think at first it was meant to be proper studio recordings and then they ended up doing it live in the studio, probably to save money, seems like an attempt to make a few quick bucks to me.
Looks like I'm the only one...

I'm a long time fan, and like Bush better than Turbin and Belladonna. Its cool to hear the old stuff w/ Bush on vox. I've heard them do several of these songs live, but some are new to me. I guess this has the same appeal as a live album, especially since it was recorded live in the studio. Sure, it's nothing earth shattering, but it's fun, and that's reason enough for me to shell out ten bucks next Tuesday.
Being one of the biggest anthrax fans on here, I have so many mixed feelings about this release. on one hand, i do like john bush's voice, even though he has a hard time keeping up on some of the older material, and the other hand, belladonna owned on some of these songs, and just sounds strange redone.

I can see why some bands like Iced Earth did it, because the original singer was unbearable.

Im just feeling torn at this point, and will give it more time to sink in. but being as big of a fan as I am, I will no doubt, accept this release with open arms while continuing to look back.

evil c.
Since I have 25 cds, 2 dvds, 2 vhs cassettes by the band it is obvious that I will buy it as well.
matt99_crew said:
Not a fan of the band, or of the rerecording of older stuff?
Of this rerecording. Aside from not being able to stand the sub-Pantera/Nickelback direction they've taken with Bush, I also find he's got one of the most uncharismatic, boring voices I've ever heard. Belladonna may have had a bit of a funny accent but I'll easily take him over Bush any day. So rerecording is a big no-no.
I'm incredibley hesitant to check out Armoured Saint because of Bush! At least Belladonna had a range and didn't sound like he was half asleep while singing :loco:
Papa Josh said:
Belladonna was always the weak link in the band. No fucking power, even with his high notes. I cringe now when i hear some of the old shit.
Is that what the band thinks too? Is that why they did this? Those albums put them on the map, so it's surprising that they dismiss them now - I mean, you would have figured that 1, maybe 2, albums with Belladonna would have been enough for them to realize that they didn't like his vocal style back in the day. But now, in 2004? A bit late isn't it?
one of the main reasons I liked old Anthrax and do not like new Anthrax is the singer ... forget about fucking "range" ... when you are a teenager in heat "range" does not mean didly ... Belladona had personality ... and was a killer frontman. I must have seen them a half a dozen times back in the days.
I've never heard the band say that, only that working w/ Bush is better than working w/ Belladonna because they feel like he is a better singer. I think they acknowledge that this is classic material and they think Bush does it justice. The extra money never hurts...
Megadeth did a series of high profile remasters/remixes
Slayer did the Reigning Blood DVD and toured on the RIB album
Metallica did setlists almost entirely of pre-Load songs and sold the shows on the net
Anthrax follows suit. Cashing in? Maybe.
^^ Very good points there.

But seriously, Belladonna did sound good at the time, in my opinion, but now I listen, and it's a guilty pleasure, like Rick Springfield.

Having seen them with both singers, I still say Bush is better, and I've seen him live with Anthrax and Saint.

I first saw John Bush on the Symbol Of Salvation tour for Armored Saint. Wrathchild America and Last Crack opened.
I prefer Belladonna, but Bush is a pretty alright. Sometimes he sounds a little sterile, but sometimes Belladonna sounded whiney, so I call it a draw.

I only have 2 Anthrax albums so I probably won't buy this anyhow, but I'm not a big fan of album remakes.
i just heard this and Bush sucks on these tracks ... he is very flat and one dimensional.
this is really a waste ... they should have left all the classics alone.