Anthrax Video With Testament and Death Angel With out Scott


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
All Video's form Matt from Kansas
See them all!

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Even without Scott, the band sounds great and I have to say that Joey's voice seems to be holding up well!

Thanks for posting these clips!
When something of this magnitude happens where the two remaining original members are not there, do they offer refunds? I'd be a little pissed at first, but I'd probably still go to the show anyways.
Would have liked to see Alex Skolnick take over the lead duties. He could play everything Rob does with his eyes closed and hands tied behind his back.
Would have liked to see Alex Skolnick take over the lead duties. He could play everything Rob does with his eyes closed and hands tied behind his back.

hes one heck of a player,its great to see him playing metal again,i have some of his solo stuff,its pretty amazing too.
Maybe Rob is not comfortable playing Scott's part?? Haha.

I totally agree, if you're going to have Alex Skolnick guest, give him some of the spotlight. Respect.
You guys realize that everybody had less than a day to learn their parts right?

It's stupid to say that Rob should have let Alex (and Cavestany) play the solos when they don't know them. They barely knew the rhythm parts.
What I was saying is I'd like to see Alex play guitar better guitar than Rob with his hnads tied behind his back like someone mentioned lol..........Agreed it's tough to learn the new stuff quickly but I'd say most metal players would know Anthrax's older stuff by heart. Anthrax was/is a huge infulence when on Metal players.
Well it's a catch 22, because if Rob did rhythm and Alex/Cavestany did the lead, people would be bitching that the solos weren't good
People bitch because Rob doesn't stick to the original solo's with the older stuff, although he does a bit more now. People would rather bitch than praise these days so it seems.
Well, since they have guest musicians it'd be nice if they threw in a Slayer, Pantera or Maiden cover. Who knows? Extend the setlist for sure as a bonus to the fans!! \m/. Make the best of a situation
By the way, I know it's a pipe dream. I've been practicing Anthrax songs on the guitar lately with the remote chance that I somehow had the opportunity to play when the tour hits Baltimore. I understand Scott has rejoined the tour?? Goddamn Scotts parts are hard. I could probably pull it off but I know I'd have to cheat for the fast all down palm muting. That takes alot of practice. I used to be way better at it. Playing jazzier stuff these days.
Yeah no doubt you could Alex. I know I could if the opportunity ever presented itself. The hardest thing about rythm playing is control and stamina. You have to warm up significantly before you actually play any songs unless you start with easier ones and ease into it.
Well it's a catch 22, because if Rob did rhythm and Alex/Cavestany did the lead, people would be bitching that the solos weren't good

Alex Skolnick and "Solos weren't good" don't go in the same sentence.

Alex is one of the best Solo players in the world, metal or not. He would make Rob's solo's better. He could learn Rob's parts in 2 seconds. He probably has a more difficult time doing Scott's Rhythm parts... but I doubt that even gives him much of a challenge.

I can't wait for the new Testament album.