I won't be at the Chicago show, but i'm sure it'll be interesting to say the very least. Assuming of course the rumors are true!!!!!
GAY! Some mystery...everyone seems to know what is going on but Charlie and Scott.
That graphic on the website will be the best thing about this sad attempt at creating any interest in a once great band that those two afore mentioned idiots seem to destroy more and more as time goes on by bad decisions and their own egos.

I'm done. See ya. Start checking ebay because alot of shit is going up.

John Bush, you were the spirit and you were the pride. Thank you for saving what was once my favorite band.
"Bring back Joey! No, wait! Bring back Danny but not Joey! No, bring back Turbin and Lilker! Or just Lilker but bring Joey back plz! Fuck you asshole! John Bush is tha shit - fuck Joey. Shut up you filthy maggot - Joey can scream like a powermetal god that he is, John has no voice! Rob has cement hands - Dan is the best lead player and hiz soloz make me cum. No, bring back both Joey and John but leave Danny out. Screw you Scott and Charlie or just Charlie but mainly Scott and Charlie and Joey Vera and Brent Thompson. You're all guilty for ruining the best band in the world - i'll put all your shit on e-bay. screw you stepford fans I know all and I knows best - anthrax sucks now john was backstabbed and so were we the loyal fans. bla bla bla bla bla bla bla...."

Grow up babies. Just let the metal flow and live your lives like there's no Anthrax and then - on April the 1st - BAM SLAM SHAZZAM! Let's see what Anthrax has in store for us... patience is a virtue.
The whining is sure old. I prefer Bush, but am I gonna constantly bitch about it? No.
I was so pissed back when I heard Kurt Loder say, "Anthrax has a new contract with Elektra records. And Joey Belladonna is leaving the band."
Anthrax was my favorite band then, as they are now.
Anthrax is as Anthrax does. None of us know exactly what's going on.
But there's no need to keep whining about it.
For fuck's sake!
ThraxDude said:
The whining is sure old. I prefer Bush, but am I gonna constantly bitch about it? No.
I was so pissed back when I heard Kurt Loder say, "Anthrax has a new contract with Elektra records. And Joey Belladonna is leaving the band."
Anthrax was my favorite band then, as they are now.
Anthrax is as Anthrax does. None of us know exactly what's going on.
But there's no need to keep whining about it.
For fuck's sake!

AMEN brother!