anthrax_moshing_maniac's idea of a good band advocates killing all blacks

if u dont like it dont listen to it,i sure ashell dont like the lyrics to the songs,why would u care what someone else listens to,its pretty simple!!!
mrthrax said:
if u dont like it dont listen to it,i sure ashell dont like the lyrics to the songs,why would u care what someone else listens to,its pretty simple!!!
I don't really care that much what people listen to, but I do care when people advocate violence towards all non-Aryans. I'm all for free speech and everything, but it concerns me that this filth has a following. I also figured people here might want to know whom not to take too seriously.
We have this type of shit here too. Kind of ubelievable. I am for freedom of speech and all, but this thing ain't no cool.
there's many people who believe that but many others are like that just to be not uncool to friends eyes or stuff like that...which sucks even more