Why can't billy milano move on with his life?

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that's just the way Billy is, I guess. his personality is a cross between Archie Bunker, and the sargent from Full Metal Jacket. I'm not saying I don't believe some of the things he says about Scott & Charlie, but he can be overly-brutal about his commentary and his vicious insults. his hatred for Scott & Charlie is pretty deep. not sure why he is so persistant abut it, though.
Im a big SOD (was a MOD fan)fan, but seeing the shit on Milanos site makes me embarrassed I ever liked MOD. His posts are nothing more than racist bullshit, and personal attacks on Scott and Charlie. He claims he is not racist, but then again so does Mathew Hale. His blatent hatred towards Muslims people is sickening, and as far as I am concerned if it smells like shit, feels like shit, and looks like shit, its shit. BILLY MILANO IS A RACIST plain and simple.

If you look at milano.com its more about ANthrax than his music. Like my header states ignore him and he will go away. His musical career is 99% done. He has burned almost every bridge he has come to.

Here is an email I got from an editor for a very popular metal mag/internet site about Mr. Milano. (name and publication withheld out of respect...

I think Billy gets off on attention, but he wants it to be on his
terms. The
only place he seems to be able to achieve that is on his own web site,
he's preaching to a small and already converted audience.

I met Billy several times over the years -- going back to 1984/1985
the first S.O.D. album was even recorded, and he was always an
outspoken guy
but never a raging asshole like he has become. I used to think he was
cool and I'm not sure what happened. I could only speculate that he has
become embittered and has an ax to grind because the music industry
treat him kindly (and let's face it: the music industry rarely treats
*anyone* kindly). It's a shame, because like I said, I dont' recall him
being like this up until maybe a couple of years ago.

In all honesty, I don't know Billy at all, and I have no ill will
him. But he seems to be doing his best to alienate himself from
and that's never a good thing.

So even the people that can actually help his career are seeing the same thing everyone else is.

Best advice, just ignore him like the rest of the music world has, he will be nothing but a memory very soon, he is only preaching to about a dozen people now anyway.
sgt_d_rulez said:
He claims he is not racist, but then again so does Mathew Hale. His blatent hatred towards Muslims people is sickening, and as far as I am concerned if it smells like shit, feels like shit, and looks like shit, its shit. BILLY MILANO IS A RACIST plain and simple.

Since when did Muslims form their own race?

I do agree that he needs to move on and quit busting on Charlie and Scott. There may or may not be a lot of truth to what he has to say about them but either way he only makes himself look foolish by dragging it on this long.
KY_Fried442 said:
Since when did Muslims form their own race?
They didn't. But read the bile he spews about Arabs.

There's no point in asking "Why can't Billy...". He obviously is trying to be an even bigger belligerent ass than Ted Nugent. That schtick is wearing thin.
the funny thing about milano is that he says :i am not a racist i hate everyone.
last time i spoke with him i was talking about
his latest release (the rebel...) and his old ones.i was telling him that
his old albums were so cool and honest till now i enjoy them.but the last years
hes becoming such an asshole.The main subject i was talking it was about his stupid stance about the gulf war.I couldnt believe a hardcore band will support a war.Hes answer was :sometimes war must be done.
But now hes obsessed with anthrax,too.I just checked a site he said
www.reunionbashers.com (it has cool audio files but everything i downloaded was damaged)
Billy milano.............
i dont know sometimes i think all this is just another billy milano joke
maybe hes just messing with all of us and especially with the press.
Galvatron, you might remember this.

I asked him on the board about his obsession with Charlie and Scott, why he keeps on talking about them and SOD and why he agreed to do the second CD and tour even though he said he knew they would treat him unfair. He never answered.

Most of the time the Milano-board is pretty amusing, Myhaterd and some of the others are funny as hell. Billy can usually take as much as he dishes out. But I´ve never understood his fixation for Anthrax, Scott and Charlie. And I don´t take his support for John Bush that serious cause I remember reading an interview 10 years ago where he said Belladonna was a wuss but at least he could sing without loosing his voice all the time like John.
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