Originally posted by Wandrail
We would never control those oil fields. They will continue to be the property of the countries in which they sit, as they are now. The US benefits financially far less from oil than does the middle east and Norway, but we are not in the business of conquering other nations and taking their resources. We are far too concerned with the UN and world opinion of us, which is negative no matter WHAT we do, to do anything but hand the oil fields right back over to the new governments of these countries. I half wish we would just to teach some people a lesson, but we won't do that. That is what we have been trying to stop Saddam from doing. There is absolutely no parallel to our actions. You, again are in a frame of mind where military action is military action, our reasons and purpose don't seem to matter to you. There are organizations, especially one in particular of Iraqi defectors who want to see a liberated Iraq and are willing to step in once Saddam is gone to fix these problems in their own country. Iraq will not become property of the US
Serious lack of reality, here...
Hm, what do you mean with "we"?! The USA as an country itself or the american oil companies?! It should be quite clear, i think, that american oil companies are very interested in gaining control over the iraqi oil fields. So, there doesn't seem to be a problem with the United Nations and the rest of the world's opinion concerning the USA. And, for sure there is something called an
OPPOSITION also in the iraq.
Um...hey, Hans...talking about butchering people, remember the Holocaust?

I, again, don't need Germans who still ascribe to anti-human socialist philosophy lecturing me on these matters. We of course supported all of these nations fight against the invading Soviet forces, are you saying we should have allowed them to simply take over these nations? Their people, some of whoim we were even surely suspicious of at that time, requested our help in fighting a common enemy to keep their sovereignty. That they then turn around against us only reflects poorly on the US in showing that our willingness to trust other nations and people is a bit naive. but then, those situations were gambles, that's part of life, sometimes you have to pick the lesser of two apparent evils. I think we did, and its definitely a better purpose to keep an enemy who has its sights on YOU in the end out of countries that aren't theirs, rather than just sitting back and letting it happen.
Yes, i remember the holocaust (ah, btw, remember how your nation has treated the natives?!), and exactly that's why i'm so fed up with america's doing. Oh yes, you supported the rest of the world in fighting against the evil commies. As seen in chile, where no soviet invasion took place. Also seen in vietnam, where also no soviet invasion took place. Well, i don't think there we are again, hypocrisy. You seem to be very credent, if you really believe, that it's pure providence and helpfulness which made the usa intervent in so many conflicts all around the world. It is indeed mainly self-interest. It's your weapon-industry which profits from the wars, and war has also a very diverting effect. I talk of diverting of inner problems.

We are just about the most criticized nation, even by those of YOU who we help the most. Where would you be now if not for Reagan telling Gorbachev to "Tear down that wall" fucking ingrates. We have a global economy, every nation has an interest in the future of other nations because we are ALL effected. It is in our best interests to help other nations, but we also do it out of a moral obligation. When ethnic cleansing begins in some country that has no wealth of resources, we still go and help. No one fucking licks our feet, if anything they take our hard earned money and men and when they're done with us they spit in our faces. If we did stop helping all of these countries, and stopped our operations in other parts of the world, not only would it hurt us directly, but everyone else as well. Then we would have you same people talking about how the US is so selfish and sits behind their gold walls pretending the rest of the world doesn't exist while it burns down. Kind of like how class-obsessed unmotivated envious people see the rich. Its a no-win situation for us, so we will simply continue to do what is right and what is in our best interest, and th ebest interest of the world. I always say thats how you should operate, never listen to the quibbling masses, just do what you know is right.
Even if you helped germany so damn much, it doesn't give you the right to be uncritisized. Of course it is in your interest to help some other nations, but NEVER, NEVER believe that it's an act of pure goodwill. We're living in an evil place, where everyone tries to get his pockets as full as he can. And, yes, never listen to the quibbling masses, just make your own way. At least one point, where we argree.
You totally missed my point. The terrorists are always looking to up the ante. We DO have a massive arsenal of mass destruction, and what does it do? It sits there, while we hope we never have to use it. Its a scarecrow, but a scarecrow that will kill you if you take it that far. A terrorist with just one nuke is more of a threat than the US or Britain with an arsenal, because ours aren't going to be put to use until we are pushed that far. Terrorists have no qualms about taking lives, even their own. How can you possibly not see the difference betweena nation that seeks to preserve life and people who seek to destroy it holding nuclear weapons.
It's a scarecrow which may kill yourself when you use it. But however, you cannot know how the world will develope. An arsenal of nukes is always a big risk, no matter in whose hands.
And here we see it, the entire worldview comes out - humanity is a disease to you. You probably think we should all die and that the world should be covered with greenery, etc, etc...what a joke. Anyone who thinks this way should have some fucking integrity and jump off a building, lead by example

. We won't use nukes unless we are forced to to preserve our own lives and yours. We spread poorness and oppression? This coming from a member of the race who failed at taking over the world what...twice? Give me a fucking break...
Yes, humanity is the worst failure of evolution. But it's also an irreversible failure. Wanna know, why i haven't commited suicide already!? Well, you need to have tried it for yourself, because maybe you won't believe it, but every human has something like a self-preservation-drive, and you need almost an incredible amount of will, to pass it by, it's like another, uncontrollable force taking control over you. Hitler was the only german trying to take over the world, if you are meaning world war one by mentioning "twice", let me tell you, that that one was about something different.
I'm totally aware of that, and that's basically what I'm saying. Is that not what happened in World War 2? We had no choice but to end things the way we did, it would never have stopped. The harshness of reality is that these situations exist, and we, as a nation who seeks to promote freedom and prosperity, along with our allies, are the ones who must be at the forefront of production and development of new and more powerful weapons, remaining ever vigilant so that these types of people know that they won't win. Even if they are willing to die themselves with a nuke strapped to their backs, running into a US or UK city, it won't happen if they know the cost will be the annihilation of their cause. It is that cause which gives them their pseudo-religious furvor, thats why they give their lives to it, they want to protect it with their lives, not destroy it. It is an endless game of checkmate, and we always have to have the upper hand. In this fashion, it will stay in checkmate, and we won't have to drop a bomb to take their last piece. With enough time, if we all remain vigilant, and allow no quarter to these types of people and acts of terrorism, they will become subjugated to the point that things will become easier. Never gone, but it will dissipate.
Well, i don't say, that america always made nothing but failures. I appreciate, that america, the uk, france and russia freed us from hitler and his ridicoulus views. But even in world war 2, america made one, always closemouthed rascality. The nuking of two japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. An act, which wasn't longer war-deciding (@the germans in here: any better translations for "kriegsentscheidend"?). Amercia would have won the pacific-campaign anyway.