@ Infected Core - we would absolutely not lose a war in Iraq. We outnumber them like 5 to 1. Due to the dirty tactics we expect they will employ, namely, they will use their own civilian population as their shield, hiding their soldiers in the cities, in houses with families, it will be hard to fight the war without killing innocents. The thing is, it is Iraq who will have put their people in that situation, and sometimes you simply have to do what you have to do. What this is an example of is that youmus5t remain vigilant. When Bill CLinton was in office, he lifted the ban on nuclear technology going into Iraq, saying he thought they should be able to benefit from nuclear power. This simply didn't happen, power plants didn't spring up around Baghdad to light people's houses, so what did he do with his new nuclear technology, hmm? He fucking immediately set to making weapons, which, even while its hard to fathom someone really launching a nuclear attack, it can be used to hold the world hostage, just through the threat and possibility of the attack. You can all decide that you want to live your lives according to some relative, non-judgemental worldview, just realize that the Saddam's and the Bin Laden's don't share this with you, and are fully prepared to take advantage of that situation. They don't hesitate, we have been struck a deadly blow, the fucking world trade center is demolished, thousands are dead. Why? At most, because we haven't allowed the sons of Ishmael to drive the Jews, who they SO outnumbr, into the sea and off the face of the Earth. If those of you who say its our fault we interfered with them and thats why we have come under attack can somehow rationalize that its okay to let this genocide go on, that no one should aid Jerusalem, then don't tell ME about being careless, heartless, and BLOODTHIRSTY. Turning your head and ignoring a problem doesn't make you much better than those who perpetuate it. Dammit, I have alot more to say, but I need to go work out...later...