More Words From Billy Milano To Serj From System Of A down

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
BILLY MILANO: 'Fuck Iraq, Let's Take The Oil!!' - Dec. 13, 2002

Unlike SYSTEM OF A DOWN's Serj Tankian, former S.O.D. and current M.O.D. frontman Billy Milano appears to be in favor of the U.S. going to war with Iraq.

The following is Milano's "open letter" to Tankian, written in response to the S.O.A.D. singer's growing criticism of President Bush's policies in the Middle East:

"Hey Serj,

"Did your mother have any children that lived?? Why, you mention all these fine examples of America's imperialistic impositions, [yet] you fail to mention the fact that this has happened from the dawn of man. You cannot deny the simple fact that man conquers man. It has nothing to do with AMERICA and everything to do with POWER recognition and economic viability — in other words, BUSINESS. America is a BUSINESS. Did you just figure that out? Maybe your turbin is too tight. For a guy who claims to know about our country, you don't know shit. Maybe you should stop hugging trees and READ A BOOK!!!!

"England ruled most of the world. Serj, why don't you tell the world how fucked up England is? Remember the saying, 'The sun never sets on the British Empire?' Of course, you've heard that, but you don't have the balls to tell England to go fuck themselves. Ever wonder why no one gives a fuck about the Armenian holocaust?? Because it happened 90 years ago. Stop living in the past! You weren't even alive asshole, but you were on Sep, 11 and living large in L.A., not ARMENIA!!!

"In 1973, OPEC, with the specific purpose of punishing America, imposed an oil embargo because we back Israel. We have been attacked countless times because we back Israel. We absolutely need to find an alternate fuel source. They way to beat these bastards is to stop buying their oil. For right now, I am content with bombing the piss out of them. Once we stop buying their oil, they can feed themselves by eating the sand they shit in.

"Another thing… On Sep. 11, Arab communities in Paterson, NJ and Jersey City, NJ, danced in the streets as the Twin Towers fell. There was little reaction from people to this other than DISGUST!! Much to the credit of the true AMERICAN. I personally think these communities should be burned to the ground and pissed on. Let's see them dance when that happens.

"Serj, there are several terms for the kind of person you are. A person who uses his fame to bring attention to a plight but spends none of his own money to enact change. HYPOCRITE, LIAR, COWARD, DEMOCRAT!! If you find your balls, contact me, camel boy, at I am correct that you own a computer? Maybe when you get out of your Jacuzzi or finish your sushi you bought on Hollywood Blvd., you'll show some balls and e-mail.

"*new M.O.D. 'Rebel You Love to Hate' out April. Haha.

"One other thing. I hope all these people with their 'NO BLOOD FOR OIL' shirts remember that slogan when it's 105 degrees in August and they turn on their new air conditioners or when it's 20 degrees out in January and they turn up the heat. These people are without shame! I personally sleep fine! So fuck Iraq, let's take the oil!!!!!"
Thanks for posting this Deadly! Man, I hope for that poor bastards sake he never runs into Corporal Punishment!
Billy will pound him into mince meat. Im looking forward to the next time those fags in system of a down syndrome play my area.