billy milano speaks out against Serj and Tom(anti-americans)

Originally posted by metaljess
Personally, I agree with Serj and Tom. There is no resaon to start another war. Geroge W. is just trying to make a name from himself like dear old daddy did! I agreed with the Gulf War to an extent-the bullshit they were doing in Kuwait was a shame, but that war was more about oil, and you all know it!! If daddy would have done his job right in the first place, Saddam would have been 6 feet under back in '91. Same with O-suck-a Been Bobbin'. The two of 'em should have bullets in their head!! Where's all of our Special Forces in this? Why isn't there a sniper on top of a building in Baghdad with his scope on Saddam? Because an execution doesnt give George W. a legacy--a war does. And it'll help out all his rich buddies! War=Money. But that money wont go to help rebuild inner-cities, or go towards education, it will just line already-fat pockets. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

assasinations will NOT solve the problem. they are only killing the leaders. thleaders who lead MILLIONS of anti americans. the only thing sadam and osama bring to the table are money. now, the assasination will definatly leave a dent in their moral and funding, but it will NOT stop future attacks. it will only piss of the millions that are left and inspire them to attack again.

here is what i propose. assasinate sadam and osama, then about 2 weeks to a month later go in with a full strike. fast and hard like the german blitzkrieg. that way their funding is gone and they are sitting ducks in a small pond.

or we can do what george carlin reccomends. get fat football fans whose diet consists of cabbage, cheese, brautwursts, and beer and take em into caves and fart. thats chemical fuckin WARFARE!
Originally posted by Wandrail
You may like their music, that's fine, but I don't see how that reflects on his terrorist-sympathizing statements. Visit their website and view his anti-American sentiments, they're right there.

So now not agreeing with US policy makes you a terrorist sympathizer? Jesus Christ, you're just as much a tool as Milano.
the people in iraq may not like sadam, hell they may even like the us, who knows and who cares. but that doesnt change the fact that SADAM IS STILL FUNDING ATTACKS ON THE US! he may not have the backing of his country, but he doesnt need it, he will give his money to people who will- al quida
Acctualy Saddam and Al quda have nothing in common, nor does Saddam fund terrorism? Nor dose Saddam support Terrorism, Saddam wants to stay in Power over Iraq, and America supported him for 30 years until that last 10 years when the soviet union colapsed and America decided to use him as a enemy. The Chemical Wepons America gave to him is the reason america wants to go in, because they know if they get rid of the chemical wepons then the people will make an uprising and over throw him, there fore they can go in and exploit them
Originally posted by nergal_S
HAHA, you people acctualy believe that the right wing parties in this country are working for "a better" country. THis country along with every other country in the world are run by elitest who make all the decisons (Freemasonry, and Illumnati) if you think any one in poltics in going to war for the intreast of the country or for the people you are completly blind and crazy. They way captlism is supsto work is the very rich have all the power and the very rich are excpeted to make rational choices to help the poor? Or every one else for that matter? I doubt it, basicly every one is a sheep to a consumer life style, and would all die from your weakness in true freedome so you need to get on your kness so people in poltics will make you feel comfertable. I thought there would be more people who think in a metal thread?

You've been watching From Hell too much.
Originally posted by metaljess
Personally, I agree with Serj and Tom. There is no resaon to start another war. Geroge W. is just trying to make a name from himself like dear old daddy did! I agreed with the Gulf War to an extent-the bullshit they were doing in Kuwait was a shame, but that war was more about oil, and you all know it!! If daddy would have done his job right in the first place, Saddam would have been 6 feet under back in '91. Same with O-suck-a Been Bobbin'. The two of 'em should have bullets in their head!! Where's all of our Special Forces in this? Why isn't there a sniper on top of a building in Baghdad with his scope on Saddam? Because an execution doesnt give George W. a legacy--a war does. And it'll help out all his rich buddies! War=Money. But that money wont go to help rebuild inner-cities, or go towards education, it will just line already-fat pockets. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Well, you should know that the UN does not allow for assassinations of foreign leaders. That is why we didn't kill Saddam in the first place. Osama we can kill as he does not lead a country/people. Also, your assumptions towards our military actions are hilarious, as you have no idea what we are doing. That you think this is about a legacy and that it would REALLY be easy to kill these people and be done with it is simply beyond reasoning. Kill Saddam and you have his plethora of sons who are just as evil or worse right behind him to launch one of those NUKES they have at any of our cities. The lack of any reality and totaly capacity for ignorance among people simply never ceases to astonish me. I wonder how many of you that are of like mind get your news from The Daily Show...
Originally posted by Sacrilicious
So now not agreeing with US policy makes you a terrorist sympathizer? Jesus Christ, you're just as much a tool as Milano.

Serj's comments, regardless of how much he wanted to backpedal on them (i.e. on the Howard Stern show, etc, I was aware of his comments when they were made) didn't say that he could see the terrorists' side as they were insane, he meant that he could see where there was a valid standpoint. I know he didn't say he thought it was good that people died, but he's another one of these politically correct morons who believes no one is really wrong. EVerything is subjective to your point of view, which is bullshit. I will state my point of view - I wouldn't shed a tear if we turned that entire damn desert into a sheet of glass at this point. The muslim faith advocates the death of non-muslims, yet most of you HATE Christianity and would probably speak ill of a man who believes in Christ because so much of the world converted to that faith (and not under threat of death like your cd liner lyrics probably told you) before you would say anything about muslims. Because thats just politically incorrect. Well, fuck that...reality is reality...September 11th was reality. DEATH is reality. That is what this is about in the end, life and death, we only seek their lives in self defense and in the defense of liberty, they seek ours out of bloodlust and religious insanity. I am a fucking irish blooded white american male, anyone who is against any part of me, I will be against, and to hell with you. There is my stance. Hopefully I don't come off as a giant asshole :grin:
I'm A Bad American
by Ted Nugent

I like big trucks, big boats, big houses, and naturally, pretty women.

I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some midlevel
governmental functionary with a bad comb-over who wants to give it away to
crack addicts squirting out babies.

I don't care about appearing compassionate.

I think playing with toy guns doesn't make you a killer - I believe
your kids and giving them Prozac might.

I think I'm doing better than the homeless.

I don't think being a minority makes you noble or victimized.

I have the right not to be tolerant of others because they are different,
weird or make me mad.
This is my life to live, and not necessarily up to others expectations.

I know what SEX is and there are not varying degrees of it.

I don't celebrate Kwanzaa. But if you want to that's fine; just don't feel
like everyone else should have to.

I believe that if you are selling me a Dairy Queen shake, a pack of
cigarettes, or hotel room you do it in English. As of matter of fact, if
are an American citizen you should speak English. My uncles and forefathers
shouldn't have had to die in vain so you can leave the countries you were
born in to come disrespect ours, and make us bend to your will. Get over

I think the cops have every right to shoot your sorry butt if you're
from them after they tell you to stop. If you can't understand the word
'freeze' or 'stop' in English, see the previous line.

I don't use the excuse "it's for the children" as a shield for unpopular
opinions or actions.

I know how to count votes and I feel much safer letting a machine with no
political affiliation do a recount when needed.

I know what the definition of lying is, and it isn't based on the word "is"
-- ever.

I don't think just because you were not born in this country, you qualify
any special loan programs, gov't sponsored bank loans, etc., so you can
a hotel, 7-Eleven, trinket shop, or any [****] thing else, while the
indigenous peoples can't get past a high school education because they
afford it.

I didn't take the initiative in inventing the Internet.

I thought the Taco Bell dog was funny.

I want them to bring back safe and sane fireworks.

I believe no one ever died because of something Ozzy Osbourne, Ice-T or
Marilyn Manson sang, but that doesn't mean I want to listen to that crap
someone else's car when I'm stopped at a red light. But I respect your

I think that being a student doesn't give you any more enlightenment than
working at Blockbuster or Jack In The Box.

I don't want to eat or drink anything with the words light, lite or
on the package.

Our soldiers did not go to some foreign country and risk their lives in
and defend our Constitution so that decades later you can tell me it's a
living document ever changing and is open to interpretation. The guys who
wrote it were light years ahead of anyone today, and they meant what they
said -- now leave the document alone, or there's going to be trouble.

I don't hate the rich.

I help the poor.

I know wrestling is fake.

I've never owned, or was a slave, and a large percentage of our forefathers
weren't wealthy enough to own one either. Please stop blaming me because
prior white people were idiots -- and remember, tons of white, Indian,
Chinese, and other races have been enslaved too -- it was wrong for every
of them.

I believe a self-righteous liberal with a cause is more dangerous than a
Hell's Angel with an attitude.

I want to know exactly which church is it where the "Reverend" Jessie
preaches; and, what exactly is his job function.

I own a gun, you can own a gun, and any red blooded American should be
allowed to own a gun, but if you use it in a crime, then you will serve the

I think Bill Gates has every right to keep every penny he made and continue
to make more. If it makes you mad, then invent the next operating system
that's better and put your name on the building. Ask your buddy that
invented the Internet to help you.

I don't believe in hate crime legislation. Even suggesting it makes me mad.
You're telling me that someone who is a minority, gay, disabled, another
nationality, or otherwise different from the mainstream of this country has
more value as a human being that I do as a white male. [****], if someone
kills anyone, I'd say that it's a hate crime. We don't need more laws!
enforce the ones we already have.

I think turkey bacon, turkey beef, turkey fake anything sucks.

I believe that it doesn't take a village to raise a child -- it takes a
parent with the [****] (guts) to stand up to the kid and spank his butt and
say "NO!" when it's necessary to do so.

I'll admit that the only movie that ever made me cry was Ole Yeller.

I didn't realize Dr. Seuss was a genius until I had a kid.

I will not be frowned upon or be looked down upon or be made to keep silent
because I have these beliefs and opinions. I thought this country allowed
that right. I will not conform or compromise just to keep from hurting
somebody's feelings. I'm neither angry nor disenfranchised, no matter how
desperately the mainstream media would like the world to believe otherwise.

Yes, I guess by some people's definition, I may be a bad American.

But that's tough

written by Ted Nugent, the rock singer

I realy hate Ted Nugent.. bah, some old guy who cant play guitar and likes guns. Wandrail.. you know alot about poltics from what i can see, why do you think in a conservative way? Conservative means there should be no change, and when there is no change there is no more life, or point of life.
Originally posted by nergal_S
Wandrail.. you know alot about poltics from what i can see, why do you think in a conservative way? Conservative means there should be no change, and when there is no change there is no more life, or point of life.
Fuckin hell, are you serious? Why is that liberals always assume that conservatives are not intelligent? I am a conservative, and as such I generally disagree with liberals, but I recognize that one's intelligence does not always determine one's political stance. Some very conservative friends of mine are highly intelligent. Some very liberal friends of mine are highly intelligent. Because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are stupid. Stupidity is what makes someone stupid, and it comes in all shapes and sizes.

I am a conservative who believes in change. A change BACK to when there was actually a little objectivity in society, when calling an apple an orange was absurd. What am I talking about? Well let's see, a guy breaks into your house and you shoot him in the foot to scare him off. Guess what? He can sue you AND WIN! You know what I call him? A theif, who not only deserved a crippled foot, but probably a shot in the chest!

Back to a time when men were men, and women were women. Back in college I took a class and listened to a speech about how masculinity was the bane of society. What is so wrong about a man taking care of his family, drinking a beer, and not having to get in touch with his feminine side? I'll tell you what, I have a feminine side, my girlfriend. When it's time for sensitivity or nurturing, she fits the bill much better than I do! Genetics folks, it's amazing that men and women really ARE different, but not according to today's society.

but he's another one of these politically correct morons who believes no one is really wrong.
Yes, back to a time when people DIDN'T believe that bullshit. "Oh, that pschopathic killer isn't really a bad person, he's just misunderstood." Sometimes I wonder if people actually HEAR what they are saying when they say shit like that.

I wish more people would read Plato and Aristotle, we wouldn't be such a mess if they did.
BTW, I agree somewhat with Billy Milano. I disagree with Tom Morello and Serj Tankkkkkk (whatever, don't know the spelling) most of time, and have since they came on the scene. I always liked both of their music, but I stopped supporting Rage when I started reading Zach de la Choda's drivel. HOWEVER... god bless America that we have freedom of speech, at least in most instances.

Alec Baldwin and Barbara Streisand can go to hell though, I really can't stand hypocritical political stances either. "I'll move out of America if a Republican wins." Jesus, grow up. If it was some Hitler or Stalin (or Nader, haha, j/k :lol: ) I would understand, but Republicans and Democrats are not complete opposites. This is how I look at them: both looking toward the same goal but taking a different path. This goes for about 95% of them anyhow, that other 5% is full of the extreme left and extreme right wanting something different for America (Marxism and Nazism come to mind).
Originally posted by nergal_S
I realy hate Ted Nugent.. bah, some old guy who cant play guitar and likes guns. Wandrail.. you know alot about poltics from what i can see, why do you think in a conservative way? Conservative means there should be no change, and when there is no change there is no more life, or point of life.

You obviously are 1) Not a guitarist, or if you are a very bad one because Ted Nugent is a damn good guitarist. Granted he is not a guitarist like John Petrucci, but he has style, skill and instinct. Listen to his newest Craveman, you can't deny the chops there...
2) Not terribly aware of what conservatism is. Your vague definition of it as meaning no change defies rationality. Conservatism would be a huge change, 'conservatism' refers to a conservative government. That means the smallest, most unintrusive government possible. Government is a necessary evil at best, I only regret that the nature of man makes it a necessity. Shrinking the government would be a massive change, so I don't see how you can say Conservatism is the same old song and dance, thats what LIBERALISM is. Left wing ideologies, legislation, and politics have lorded over every other country in the world, not to mention the media, education system and many other facets of our society. Its why we have whole generations growing up who don't understand the constitution, and have no comprehension of freedom, but they know who Chez Guevera is, and he's cool. I have to go and eat, i'll rant later.
Originally posted by Wandrail
Serj's comments, regardless of how much he wanted to backpedal on them (i.e. on the Howard Stern show, etc, I was aware of his comments when they were made) didn't say that he could see the terrorists' side as they were insane, he meant that he could see where there was a valid standpoint. I know he didn't say he thought it was good that people died, but he's another one of these politically correct morons who believes no one is really wrong. EVerything is subjective to your point of view, which is bullshit. I will state my point of view - I wouldn't shed a tear if we turned that entire damn desert into a sheet of glass at this point. The muslim faith advocates the death of non-muslims, yet most of you HATE Christianity and would probably speak ill of a man who believes in Christ because so much of the world converted to that faith (and not under threat of death like your cd liner lyrics probably told you) before you would say anything about muslims. Because thats just politically incorrect. Well, fuck that...reality is reality...September 11th was reality. DEATH is reality. That is what this is about in the end, life and death, we only seek their lives in self defense and in the defense of liberty, they seek ours out of bloodlust and religious insanity. I am a fucking irish blooded white american male, anyone who is against any part of me, I will be against, and to hell with you. There is my stance. Hopefully I don't come off as a giant asshole :grin:

They do have a valid point of view, regardless of their actions (which, in the case of something like 9/11, are without a doubt wrong). I believe that Christianity and Islam are both equally bad religions and if there were fundamentalist Christian states in the world comparable to many places in the Middle East they would be just as bad. Do you really think this "war on terrorism" is defending our liberty? Every new bill that's signed in the name of saving this country from terrorists (a term that's getting more and more broad these days) just continues to rob us of our personal freedoms. You're right, September 11th was reality. Death is reality. Innocent Afghan civilians who never did a thing to you being disintregrated by U.S. bombs and not even knowing why is also reality. A U.S. bomb falling on an innocent wedding party is also reality. Starving children seeing dots faling out of a U.S. plane and not knowing whether it's food or more bombs like the ones that were dropped right before they saw their parents heads roll across the ground is also reality. Two wrongs don't make a right. But whatever, you've stated that you're unable to see any point of view besides your own so this is kind of pointless. You're just as close-minded and stupid as the so-called terrorists you claim to detest so much. You don't care about peace or keeping this country safe, you want blood, plain and simple. You'll probably call me a PC hippie bleeding heart liberal tree-hugger for daring to see the world in shades other than red, white, and blue, but as I said, I really don't care.
Wandraill... man in this day and age conservatives "the ones running for office" dont want smaller goverment, they want free trade, and a one world economy, same with the libreals. I am not a "libreal" rather im a leftist, and my ideaolgy is not of a less goverment that can allow working class can be exploited and factories can polute as much as they want, and every inch of land in fenced of so that no one can go enjoy nature. I think this country has become like this mostly because of the concervative poltics. Even thought i dont agree in libreal poltic agenda, how ever it is far more advanced and you get alot more freedom from it. I like your ideal of what a concervatice is how ever i see it far from the truth compared to what bush is doing, going to wars with countless nations, This country has become an EMPIRE, and the last thing any party wants to do is to down size the goverment, they all want to expand and exploit. And by the way yes i am a guitar play, have been playing for 9 years, and i go to GIT in LA. I still dont like Nugent or Page, or most classic rock players style. Its to blues based and i prefer classical based Metal guitar.
Many of the founding fathers would have agreed with the idea of a living constitution. Jefferson(even though he wasn't there at the convention) believed we should have a new constitutional convention every generation because he believed the needs of society changed and that men couldn't understand what was needed 100 years from now.
Okay - point one:

I can see things from the Muslims' perspective, I am somewhat familiar with their religion. It calls for the death of all non-Muslims. Its black and white, its stated in the Koran. I can see, then, from their point of view, how I, as an infidel pig need to die. They do not look beyond that, it is that simple to them. More than a hundred people were just beaten to death for a fucking BEAUTY PAGEANT in the name of Allah, you tell me where that's reasonable. They took the first step, you complete fools, by launching the offensive at US, the only problem is, they're throwing stones at someone who's holding an RPG - if its fucking war you want, you want to attack my fucking country and KILL my people, then you're Goddamn right I want blood. Peace is an nice idea, but its not realistic. In these western countries we live in peace, but its false, because elsewhere in the world, there is chaos. Their cities are fucking crumbled to nothing from civil war, you have forced abortion, genocide, the descendants of Ishmael blowing up children, women, men, simply because they come from Isaac. Maybe you just aren't up to fucking speed with what is really happening in this world, but its not new, it just took a while to make its way here when our guard was down. I suppose some of you don't see a problem with that. Luckily, its not you running this country, and not you who the people just elected in a landslide.