Anti-Capitalist Extreme Metal

I'm still high on tramal:D so it's hard to centralize, also I have dyslexia so it's hard to sometime put it in the words what I mean. Those was just epic examples about capitalism, shops etc, which I talk with my friends.
Yep there is no nihilistic society, but some have views of economic system etc. and some of them are very anti-capitalist thats what I meant.
Even that's somewhat overrated in my opinion, I like Bob Dylan's music but I much prefer the era that he left all that whining stuff behind for the most part.
If you ask me, it's great, that cold, menacing chord progression, and his vocal delivery on that song is bone-chillingly venomous.
The magic wore off for me, the more you learn about politics the less pop music's use of it as a topic holds up. I'd rather hear songs about drinking and adventure!
Eh, perhaps. However, I consider myself reasonably well-versed in politics, it still hasn't worn off on me. To each his own.
People usually forget that anti-capitalist bands/songs can also mean that they want to make capitalism better compared to what it is now. Maybe more varied, more useful, more liberal, more employment etc.