Anti-Social Video, Disneyland Ending?


Aug 14, 2003
Hey, I'm sure everyone here has seen the video for Anti-Social, I have it on DVD, Japanese Laserdisc (P.O.V.), and I've recorded it off VH1 Classic several times. My question is, back in the day I would lurk around on mIRC and there was a MPEG-1 copy of Anti-Social (this was before P.O.V. got a DVD release) so I grabbed it, and it was recorded off MTV Brazil. The only time I've ever seen this ending was on that Brazil MTV copy, but it has someone asking the band "Now what are you guys going to do?" and they say "We're goin' to Disneyland!". My question is, where the hell is this original source? Is it only on the MTV Brazil copy? Of course, I lost that MPEG-1 copy I had, but I recently remembered it had that very unique ending. I would like to know what source it came from, is it on some kind of interview? Some live show? I know it isn't on N.F.V (I have that on Japanese VHS and DVD). I'm really trying to find it so I can do a fan edit and stitch it together with the video. It went so well with the video.
Does anyone know?
Not sure never seen that, I only know of the two versions of the video one with crowd footage and Ozzy and one without. That's the video that made me a fan back in '89.