Ok, So here it goes... Those of you who have a DVD Burner, And all the software for it, And just happen to be as hardcore Anthrax fans as I am... I have some VERY Good news, I plan on putting the video for Anti-Social (Wich didn't come on the No Hits DVD) up for Upload, VOB Format, Digitally Remastered, Original Japan 1st Press Audio Source and Original Japaneese Laserdisc Video Source, Remastered in 5.1 Audio! (Also it's the version with Ozzy!) I was pretty upset to see that the video wasn't on the DVD, And it's a very cool vid, So I knew I just had to put it on there myself. So I bought the highest quality Sony Laserdisc player there is, and paid alot for the Anthrax Japaneese P.O.V. - LD, The video looks fucking perfect. But the size is HUGE! I mean it's like 400MB. But it's worth it, It's at highest quality. I decided to share it with everyone on the board... Now all I need to know is, Is this okay??? Am I going to get in any trouble doing this? I mean it wasn't on the DVD and it's pretty much Incomplete without that vid, So someone let me know if I can do this and probubly next saturday I will be uplaoding it. This saturday everyone will get another rare unreleased (In the USA) 'Thrax Download!
So somebody plz lemme know on the VOB!
Thanks bros and sis's,

So somebody plz lemme know on the VOB!
Thanks bros and sis's,