Antimatter, anyone?


disco my arse!
May 24, 2001
Belgrade, Serbia
Has anyone heard of Duncan Petterson's new band, Antimatter?

I can't remember the album title right now, but I know it is a debut and released on Icon(?), it came out a month or so before A Fine Day to Exit.

I also know that Danny appears somewhere on the record, that it has some special female vocals (Dominion chick) and the music is "apocalyptic, experimental & weird".

Does anyone have this album, how it is like, and, most importantly, how did you get it?
I got the album from the net. It is called "saviour". It is like the discription you gave here, but without any appearance at this time of Danny. I think he sang on "flowers" on an acoustic version which does not appear on the first release, but I think the album will be re- released at any time. The female vocals of Sear- vocalist are very good, the other are o.k. It's worth to be listened, check it out, you can get it from Audiogalaxy.


Originally posted by discouraged1
Has anyone heard of Duncan Petterson's new band, Antimatter?

I can't remember the album title right now, but I know it is a debut and released on Icon(?), it came out a month or so before A Fine Day to Exit.

I also know that Danny appears somewhere on the record, that it has some special female vocals (Dominion chick) and the music is "apocalyptic, experimental & weird".

Does anyone have this album, how it is like, and, most importantly, how did you get it?

Official homepage at Site contains pretty much all you need to know about the band as well as have a full length sample. More samples coming soon.

If you like the album, buy it. Support Duncan/Antimatter and don't be a fucking leech.
I've heard the whole album and it is quite excellent. Being in America, I haven't been able to purchase it yet, so I just have the mp3's. But Dunc is a damn cool guy and I hear he is getting his own label going cause Icon kinda fucked him around. My recommendation is to wait until he gets his label up and going and get the re-release from him directly.