antimatter cds( any new soon)


j/k man. I can't remember the specifics, but I do believe most (if not all) of the recording and mastering is done. Now you just gotta hold your breath till sometime mid year (at least that's the plan) till sometime midyear. Most likely around June/July... depending on where you live and availability too of course.

You may wanna search this forum for 'Planetery Confinement' (Album) or 'Legions' (Song) as there may still be a demo floating around for this song off the upcoming album. It's... nice. :)
Spike said:

j/k man. I can't remember the specifics, but I do believe most (if not all) of the recording and mastering is done. Now you just gotta hold your breath till sometime mid year (at least that's the plan) till sometime midyear. Most likely around June/July... depending on where you live and availability too of course.

You may wanna search this forum for 'Planetery Confinement' (Album) or 'Legions' (Song) as there may still be a demo floating around for this song off the upcoming album. It's... nice. :)

I thought the album was supposed to be released sometime in February??
I thought it was only mick who had done his share and duncan still had some work to do...? in other words: nothing decided as of yet.

or have I missed something?
Susie said:
Spike you know more than antimatter :tickled:

Yes. Well that is cos I have very unreliable and sketchy sources. :rolleyes:

Then again, we could always go to the lads for confirmation. ;)

Oh, and thanks Su and Don for the compliments on the sig. I think it's quite nice. But that I have had better. I should resize it a lil so if better fits the dimensions of the board... but I am too lazy. :erk: