Antimatter in Dongen :D


human wrecking ball
Jul 25, 2002
France [ Lille ]
Hello Popples :)

I was in Dongen yesterday , it was brilliant ! as usual i should say , the surprise would have been if i wrote something like "it was shitty etcetc." hehe

Yeah , it was deffo very cool , the antiguys were in a good form , and tequila helping , they gave us a pretty funny and warm show :)

I couldn 't say what they have played exactly , some anathema songs for sure , but i don't know those.
The big surprise was that they 've played a cover of Depeche Mode "enjoy the silence" :eek: Man , me fave song ever together with ABBA's 'dancing queen' :eek:
rooarrr , that was ace !

Oh , Danny as played all alone as a support act , singing some anathema's acoustic songs ( "one last goodbye" +..? ) and some Nick Drake's songs.

That was one hell of a night , again , thanks winnipooh , milky moss and Danny....( sorry giving stoopid nicks is stronger than me , i just cant help it :D )

ANd SPecial Greets to HEiko , ELisabeth , Pieter and VEra , *smooch* to you all

cheerz !

NO DON'T SAY THAT!!!! A depeche Mode Cover, Enjoy the silence!!! Now I'm sad! And Danny played One Last goodbye, I'm surprised!!!

"this world is eating me inside" :cry:
:eek: :eek: :eek: :cry: :cry: :cry: aaaaaawwww!!!!they changed the setlist again?they played other stuff again???i'm jealous!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: you lucky bstards u!
Originally posted by pince
enjoy the silence was written on Paris' setlist, but they didn't play it

i know,arghhhhhhh!!!!!Giorgos told me,who grabbed the setlist:mad: he didnt let me take anything.:cry: cept from some shredded lyrics,destroyed under the heavy,nazi boot of the german conqueror..err....meaning the purple Moss attack!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by somnium_in_tenebris
i know,arghhhhhhh!!!!!Giorgos told me,who grabbed the setlist:mad: he didnt let me take anything.:cry: cept from some shredded lyrics,destroyed under the heavy,nazi boot of the german conqueror..err....meaning the purple Moss attack!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

and drowned by the beer :D