AU is without a doubt AGs weakest release. They took the edge off of their sound & the new singer is fairly generic. The first 2 releases definitely had more kick & the original singer had a definitive delivery that set him apart from the crowd.

Can't really say I prefer one over the other, but surprisingly enough I agree with most of what you're saying aside from the weak part. Its not so much weaker as it is more progressive to me. I do hear more of an edge on their older material in comparison to AU. AU is still good to my ears though, and I enjoy both old and new vocals.

the old singer reminds me of a cross between Marco Hietala and Bruce Dickinson, kinda

I can definitely specify that I enjoy the original singer for the reason that he really does have that Marco Hietala sound, and Im a big fan of Marco's voice. I personally can't pick up on the Bruce Dickinson reference though. Maybe Im just not listening hard enough.
What was their former singer like?

***Torben Askholm was the original singer of the first 2 Anubis Gate discs. He sounds like a pissed off Olaf Bilic (House of Spirits) with a sneering attitude. He was much better suited for this band than is Jacob Hansen ( no offense to him, he does a good job on the new one ). The best Anubis Gate in my opinion, is "A Perfect Forever", probably because its the most progressive of the three. The new one sounds more in the Lanfear style and will appeal to power metal fans.
Thanks for the info.

I really don't see how people can say Hansen is not "suited" for Anubis Gate...the man's vocals simply kill on 'Andromeda Unchained'. I can understand being attached to the original singer (he was also very good), but to deny Hansen's ability & performance in this band confuses me. Like I said, Hansen accomplishes what so many try to do and fail...combine intensity, clarity & range with power! Most singers have a combination of these qualities, but few have them all...and Hansen, IMO, has them ALL!

Anyway, enough "fan boy" gushing from me (this is actually the first I have heard of either AG or Hansen)...I'm just extremely impressed.
I also have to agree, although the first two albums are really good, this one is indeed a step up! I got the first two albums off of eMusic, but picked this one up at the last ProgPowerUSA. Indeed, a truely excellent album (and now I think about it - will have to give it another spin as I've not listened to it for a little while!).
You're all too kind - even discussing me is a compliment, haha!

I hope you'll be checking out our coming album, which we're gonna record this summer/autumn. I believe this is set for early '09 release. Sorry to be out with that so early! :) I'm just very thrilled about our new songs, which - as far as I see it - will make the new song somewhat heavier than AU.