Bumping this sucker....I saw this yesterday at my local cinema. Great documentary. Spinal Tap-ish but touching at the same time. Have to admit I shed a tear at the end.

Go see this! General Theatre release in April 10, but it's showing at various film festivals (like the one here in Dublin) around the world.

The guys are playing Download and Glastonbury this year. Glad to see it's finally worked out for them one way or another. They might be a novelty act for a year or two, so I hope they milk it for some well-earned cash while it lasts.

I still remember buying Metal on Metal when I was 11.

Note: the studio footage with Chris Tsangarides will make most of the guys on here weep (one way or another).
This may be a stupid question, but is this for real? I'm really unsure as to whether this band actually existed or was a fabrication for a mockumentary. I have honestly never heard of them until this movie started getting promoted.
The band is true, it exist, and is a really respected band, but really underrated, for some reason, the documental became really popular.
This may be a stupid question, but is this for real? I'm really unsure as to whether this band actually existed or was a fabrication for a mockumentary. I have honestly never heard of them until this movie started getting promoted.

Any metal fans over 30 probably remember them....I certainly do. I think most of us just thought they faded into obscurity like most of their peers from that era.

"Metal on Metal" was on a compilation album that introduced me to a lot of bands from that era. Krokus and Nasty Savage are two that spring to mind...great memories, but I don't necessarily want to revisit them :lol: