Under the radar - music suggestions


Dec 20, 2008
So, don't post your own band and don't post the ones almost everybody knows ;)
And please just give us a genre or some short infos!

Irate - Hardcore, broke up
heavy and quiet well known for that song

Martyr AD - hardcore, broke up
I love fast songs

Light This City - melodeath/deathmetal, broke up
sooooooooooooooo catchy...

Winter Solstice - metalcore (?), broke up
I'm still listening to that album, such a shame they broke up.

Sinai Beach - awesome (melo)hardcore with synths mix, broke up

Reaching your end - deathcore
2nd band of the new salt the wound singer, looking forward to their first cd.

I hope some of these bands will get back together ._.
Hmm, don't think so, I'm an Arnold maniac, and he looks too old in that shot (plus I've seen PI like 4 times in the past year :lol: )
I was just thinking that it looked like a Total Recall face...but I can't really put my finger on it.

Your caption should read "GET TO THE CHOPPA!"

Actually, it should say, "Get Your Ass to Mars". Its from Total Recall. The scene when their trying to strap him into the chair and he kills two scientists with the metal clamps.:headbang:

A great scene, eclipsed in coolness perhaps only by "Screw you, Benny".

OR, when he's on the elevator with Richter's arms and says, "See you at the party Richter!" Ahh, such a classic movie. Full of random, over the top violence.
It's funny you mention Irate - my old band Redline played with them a bunch of times. Oh and funny story.

I saw Irate at CBGBs once and was singing along. I suppose a "crew" member didn't like that and kicked me square in the head. I would have done something about it if I wasn't alone and the guy wasn't gigantic. Hahaha.
