Any Amplitube users???


New Metal Member
Jun 30, 2006
HI, because of lack of funds, my guitarist and i have been recording direct input just using a boss effects pedal (doesnt sound very proffesional, but never the less can sound very heavy)

i have amplitube but can never get a good heavy sound out of it

does anyone have any certain eqs, pre sets, tricks or tips they could tell me?

do you use two amplitbe inserts at once? one tube amp, one crunch etc

i can never get a thick, crunchy amp sound

i've tried their pre-sets but they all suck

any advice would help

if not ill just go back to my effects pedal straight to the m box ( it doesnt sound too bad)

thanks guys

p.s im not tring to make a proffesional sounding cd, just a few good demos that sound reasonably ok.
I just got my ikey for amplitube 2. I'm still debating if I should install it or not.