Any Black 13 reviews?


Jan 30, 2006
Hey, I was wondering if anyone has the Scott Ian pedal..Black 13?...Or if there's any reviews of it..I heard the samples it sounds cool, But wanted to hear first hand about it..When I save up a lil more money I think I'm gonna buy it..the idea of playing those "classic" Anthrax songs on my guitar with Scott's tone is killer..
Scott feel free to talk about your pedal...also I noticed another pedal by Scott..P.M.D. pedal of mass destruction, by washburn I think..Has anyone heard that > or palyed it?..Scott can you add some insight to both of them..I would aprreciate it..I'll probably get can never have enough distortion..thanks in advance,
i have heard nothing but good things about it,scott mentioend that he could pretty much turn up to a gig armed with pedal and guitar and be pretty much right to play.
I have played his Black 13 pedal, and I would have to highly agree with Scott, its damned near just about all you need (sans amp). Damn good pedal. If I wasnt so addicted to my Line 6 POD, I would get it!
My girlfriend bought me the Black 13 for my 30th birthday back in October, I was thrilled as I didn't know it was available in the UK at the time :) She got it from Arena music in Cambridge.

It is an amazing little device, even makes a Squire telecaster scream metal, there's quite a bit of playing about with the sounds you can do as well :)

Not only the sound but the construction rocks, it's a solid heavy silver little box. Awesome :)
Thanks for the reviews..keep em coming..I held it, it is heavy and durable..but didnt demo it,,
any PMD pedal reviews?...
Rozy157 said:
I have a Line 6 POD as well but was considering a Black 13......I'm on the fence.

its all about tone. Do ya do metal? do ya love palm mutes? Get the Black 13 then. If you like being able to make more of your OWN sound, then stick to the POD. If you played with it for a few hours, you could probably get really close to the B.13.....
i'm sure its an awesome pedal sound wise, but £130 for a pedal with one defined sound is a hella lot o cash, esp when you could get summin like the digitech rp200 for less....... nothing fancy but a hella lot o sounds for the money and again with a bit of tweaking you'd get damn near to the black 13 anyway
I have to agree the price is a bit steep, but i'll probably end up buying it anyway. I got a Behringer Vamp (podripoff) recently and have been loving it, however i cant get a "Anthrax" sound despite the hours of tweeking its dials. Black 13 here i come.
lokey said:
i'm sure its an awesome pedal sound wise, but £130 for a pedal with one defined sound is a hella lot o cash, esp when you could get summin like the digitech rp200 for less....... nothing fancy but a hella lot o sounds for the money and again with a bit of tweaking you'd get damn near to the black 13 anyway
I think it is a little high too, along with the rest of the signature line. I also thought it only had 1 primary sound but it seems to have 7 set sound models. I guess the knob on the right click-turns??? Could someone confirm that?


The RP200a has 40 artist presets for the same money like you said, plus the built in expression pedal.

Must be the same 40 listed under the RP 300a description.

Trust Co.
Dan Donegan
Jennifer Batten
Carlos Cavaso
Quiet Riot
CJ Pierce
Drowning Pool
Dominic Cifarelli
Pulse Ultra
Glen Drover
Jody Payne
Willie Nelson
Evil D
Joey Z
Metal Mike Chlasciak
Pain Museum
Michael Wilton
Soul Bender-Queensryche
Andy LaRocque
King Diamond
Marc Rizzo
Ill :Nono
Mike Einziger
Dave Murray
Iron Maiden
Paul Crook
Sebastian Bach
Acey Slade
Clint Lowery
Chad Kroeger
Glenn Tipton
Judas Priest
Hey you're right it isn't a typo..good call..some fat jealous bastard has posted that it was on his website....good call , cos if u notice it states the album it came from..:rock: I will def. get this..a compact killer distortion pedal with my fav guitar sounds that I grew up on.Thanks Scott...u da man!:rock:

I'm glad I started this thread..maybe Scott will ship me one for free...lolj/k
its defo a good thing it has 7 voices at least, thought it was just going to be a case of twiddling the knobs to match the instructions ( you know....turn knob 1 to setting 4, knob 2 to setting 6 etc etc)

still 130 is way high cash for one pedal ( esp if u look at the prices of digitechs other single pedals), will look for a bargain on it, cos it'd be nice to have.......

the rp200/ 300 is good for home, and mucking around on, be useless for live tho , far too fiddly

bah music stuff costs far too much money !
Well, I figured that out when it was brought up months ago. I never said it was a typo. It still doesn't look right, but really it is a free ad no matter where it is posted and what the caption said. So what's the harm??? Billy's site was the first place I saw the pedal even before it hit the CDC:lol: I want one by the way, I'm not trying to put it down.
Digitech makes the best effects of any kind. I wouldn't hesitate to buy this. I'm going to get one as soon as I get a chance.

As for the other one, the Pedal of Mass Destruction. I have two words about it: Packaged Rebellion.

That's not to say that it's not a kick ass pedal. I've never heard it and I've never heard any effect made by Washburn. I couldn't say. This pedal comes with the Lyon guitar. You get it plus a little practice amp from what I understand and a couple of "starter" accessories for a super low price that's just a shade more than the Black 13 itself.