Any chance of a UK / Euro tour?


Seventh Wonder Addict
Hi guys + girls.

I'm a self confessed Seventh Wonder addict - and I was just wondering if you were planning some form of UK / European tour within the near future. (With your new album being released tomorrow and all!)

I look forward to a response, and I hope to see you soon!
add me to the list. i really want to see seventh wonder live sometimes. i missed the progpower 2009 gig:mad: and i hope that they will come back to europe again soon.

Sweden is just to far away for me as a young student:cry:
So, Great luck with you new album release tomorrow and the release party the day after!!! enjoy the time together!!
add me to the list. i really want to see seventh wonder live sometimes. i missed the progpower 2009 gig:mad: and i hope that they will come back to europe again soon.

Sweden is just to far away for me as a young student:cry:
So, Great luck with you new album release tomorrow and the release party the day after!!! enjoy the time together!!

I'm in the same boat as you, mate!

I'm just a poor little university student - I can't afford plane tickets haha!
I too am a poor uni student from the UK, i'm hopping on a plane in a few hours for the release party :P
It can be done with dedication, ryanair have dirt cheap flights :P
It's up to a UK promoter to book the band and get them over.
But seriously how many people do you reckon would show up for a gig?
I would think that a UK tour would be financial suicide.
I know you just were in Finland... but since those gigs kicked ass.. you could come again! :D ..If there's going to be a TGE tour or something like that.
I have a lot of connections with some stages in the Northern part of Holland.
Even some festivals in the Summer.... zo if Seventh Wonder is interested to play some gigs in Holland.... i will arrange that and won't charge a penny for it.

If Seventh Wonder is interested: just send me a PM andreas! :)
That would be awesome!! i really hope they can come :)

@shadowsoul: Maby i'm just not dedicated enough. but i would not do it for any band. i only visit gigs in holland, and some parts of germany. offcourse this means that i miss alot, but i just hope that they come close again to play an show. i can wait and i am patient enough:lol:
Seventh Wonder just need help promoting their stuff in different countries, which is partly up to us :)
If we want them over here, we need to make sure lots of people find out about them and buy their cds. Personally i never shut up about them to anyone that cares to listen xD
I have a lot of connections with some stages in the Northern part of Holland.
Even some festivals in the Summer.... zo if Seventh Wonder is interested to play some gigs in Holland.... i will arrange that and won't charge a penny for it.

If Seventh Wonder is interested: just send me a PM andreas! :)

WOW That sounds great. We (italian horsemen) are ready to arrange 3-4 dates here in Italy as we made in the past with Circus Maximus. I presume that if they're able to have few dates here and there in Europe they'd be able to share cost and expenses caused by a mini-tour (tour-bus,etc..)

we're ready anytime!!

p.s. there were some english dedicated fans coming in Rome that time with RyanAir for 20-30 euros total...
WOW That sounds great. We (italian horsemen) are ready to arrange 3-4 dates here in Italy as we made in the past with Circus Maximus. I presume that if they're able to have few dates here and there in Europe they'd be able to share cost and expenses caused by a mini-tour (tour-bus,etc..)

we're ready anytime!!

p.s. there were some english dedicated fans coming in Rome that time with RyanAir for 20-30 euros total...

This is sounding to start more interesting by the post! I have some contacts with bookers and venues in the south and west of the BENELUX. I also have contact with a booker in Germany.

So let me take disadvantage of the oppurtunity and :Spam: a little about my band, which could be, imho, a good support for SW.

Ex Libris (as in my signature) plays Female Fronted Progressive Metal with classical influences and they have done 17 shows so far in 2010 and played as support for Epica and ReVamp.

What do you guys think?
But... Without killing all enthousiasm... First there's the need of a new drummer... Then we will continue arranging stuff...
p.s. there were some english dedicated fans coming in Rome that time with RyanAir for 20-30 euros total...

Glad you remembered us Max! :kickass:

If you and Romano are organising some more Italian shows I'm sure Aaron and I would fly over again.... perhaps another SW\CM reunion would be good??? :worship:
