any Dillinger Escape Plan fans here?

I've actually heard a lot of positive feedback regarding their newest. I only own Ire Works which I like but don't listen to a lot. Have been meaning to download that EP with Mike Patton for a while now...
Overall, I like the band. Not gonna spin them a LOT, but I pulled up the latest on Spotify and I'm liking what I hear. If this is your band, kudos. There's good stuff here.

The DEP influence is there, but it doesn't feel like a DEP clone really. It's not nearly as frenetic, this is more just regular good ol' Canuck hardcore with some spazz influence. I approve.
Yeah they've been getting some good Feedback for sure, this is my favorite song by them:

their new album came out in January, it's got a really interesting sound

I've actually heard a lot of positive feedback regarding their newest. I only own Ire Works which I like but don't listen to a lot. Have been meaning to download that EP with Mike Patton for a while now...
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Yeah they've been getting some good Feedback for sure, this is my favorite song by them:

their new album came out in January, it's got a really interesting sound

Having been homeschooled through most of middle school and all of high school, I was regularly bombarded with compliments regarding what a hard worker I was and how smart I was for doing what I had very little choice in. Even though I always hated it when ol' Pops would walk in on me working on a calculus test at 11PM under thread of being banned from the computer yet again, I learned to avert his gaze and nod my head in simple acknowledgement of his hollow praise. When I made it into college, the transition was surprisingly smooth being that I could just show up to class and otherwise go about my regular routine, still receiving proud smiles and pats on the back at home. Then one day when waiting outside of the general physics lab, having shown up an hour early to study by myself, two older students probably in their mid-30's appear and comment "Man, that kid is going to work himself to death". Per the usual, I gave an uneasy "Mmm-hmmm" and thanked them for good measure, being that they were friendly strangers. To my absolute horror, I quickly realized that they were talking about the professor's 14 year old son, frequently bragged on for having a greater understanding of physics than the entire college class combined. While I think my meekness obscured the tragic misunderstanding, the shame of that whole event and my inability to comprehend the intricacies of social interactions did not fade so easily. Although I doubt that someone so blissfully unaware of his own self-centered nature would suffer through the pain of that event like I did, I certainly hope you do not when I tell you that I was not talking about your band.
Having been homeschooled through most of middle school and all of high school, I was regularly bombarded with compliments regarding what a hard worker I was and how smart I was for doing what I had very little choice in. Even though I always hated it when ol' Pops would walk in on me working on a calculus test at 11PM under thread of being banned from the computer yet again, I learned to avert his gaze and nod my head in simple acknowledgement of his hollow praise. When I made it into college, the transition was surprisingly smooth being that I could just show up to class and otherwise go about my regular routine, still receiving proud smiles and pats on the back at home. Then one day when waiting outside of the general physics lab, having shown up an hour early to study by myself, two older students probably in their mid-30's appear and comment "Man, that kid is going to work himself to death". Per the usual, I gave an uneasy "Mmm-hmmm" and thanked them for good measure, being that they were friendly strangers. To my absolute horror, I quickly realized that they were talking about the professor's 14 year old son, frequently bragged on for having a greater understanding of physics than the entire college class combined. While I think my meekness obscured the tragic misunderstanding, the shame of that whole event and my inability to comprehend the intricacies of social interactions did not fade so easily. Although I doubt that someone so blissfully unaware of his own self-centered nature would suffer through the pain of that event like I did, I certainly hope you do not when I tell you that I was not talking about your band.

Having been homeschooled through most of middle school and all of high school, I was regularly bombarded with compliments regarding what a hard worker I was and how smart I was for doing what I had very little choice in. Even though I always hated it when ol' Pops would walk in on me working on a calculus test at 11PM under thread of being banned from the computer yet again, I learned to avert his gaze and nod my head in simple acknowledgement of his hollow praise. When I made it into college, the transition was surprisingly smooth being that I could just show up to class and otherwise go about my regular routine, still receiving proud smiles and pats on the back at home. Then one day when waiting outside of the general physics lab, having shown up an hour early to study by myself, two older students probably in their mid-30's appear and comment "Man, that kid is going to work himself to death". Per the usual, I gave an uneasy "Mmm-hmmm" and thanked them for good measure, being that they were friendly strangers. To my absolute horror, I quickly realized that they were talking about the professor's 14 year old son, frequently bragged on for having a greater understanding of physics than the entire college class combined. While I think my meekness obscured the tragic misunderstanding, the shame of that whole event and my inability to comprehend the intricacies of social interactions did not fade so easily. Although I doubt that someone so blissfully unaware of his own self-centered nature would suffer through the pain of that event like I did, I certainly hope you do not when I tell you that I was not talking about your band.
