Any Down Fans Here? [Bootleg DVD Review]

Arcane Son

Seeker Of Wisdom
Jan 25, 2006
I know Davey boy likes Down so I thought I would post this lil review:

Any Down fans out there? A friend recently sent me an amazing bootleg dvd from a show they did on Sept 21,1995 in Dallas, Texas. 72 mins long. Just watched it last night.

It's really good quality for a bootleg. Just a notch or 2 below a professional dvd. They pretty well play every song off the 1st album which is my favourite album by them so I was pretty stoked to see them play a whole set picked strictly from Nola. At this point in time Nola was the only album they had out. They also do a cover song Ice Monkey which was originally done by Saint Vitus.

The band is in fine form and Phil and the boys headbang like crazy through out the set. Phil is in a very talkative mood and does a few pro-marijuana rants. He also mentions he is being drug tested so he can't smoke at the moment. Not sure what thats all about?

Vinnie Paul the drummer from Pantera is there and comes out and gives Phil a big hug and in one scene you can see him feeding Black Tooth Grins to the Down boys.

They do Bury Me In Smoke as an encore and then it transitions into Symptom Of The Universe by Sabbath and then back into BMIS.The crowd is wild and loving it and there's a huge mosh pit with constant body surfing.

After the encore they walk off the stage and the lights come on and the trippy slow song Jail is played as the crowd file out of the venue. Great end to a perfect concert.

This DVD is a keeper.

Over n Out! :headbang:


01. Pillars Of Eternity
02. Lifer
03. Temptation's Wings
04. Rehab
05. Hail The Leaf
06. Underneath Everything
07. Stone The Crow
08. Ice Monkey
09. Losing All
10. Swan Song
11. Eyes Of The South
12. Bury Me In Smoke
ShadarLogoth said:
do you know where a person could grab a copy, sounds really awesome.

I would burn you a copy bro if I had a DVD burner. Do you buy any chance post on the Braveboard? It was a poster there who offered to burn a copy to anyone who PM'd him and sent there mailing address. Thats how I recieved this little jewel of a bootleg.
David Gold said:
Hook me up next time we drink together!!!

I will bring it along next time were partying up at P&P's. I am sure Pete won't mind burning you a copy of it. I think you will dig it Dave! :headbang: