Any drum processing tips / tricks / tutorials?


Tone is not in MY fingers
Apr 16, 2008
So I have been poking around trying to find some type of tutorial on how to process drums. I've been on an eternal hunt for really killer sounding drums for AGES, and I've gone through all of the major drum plugins - Slate, DFH, SD2, EZD, etc., and no matter what I do, I just can't seem to make them "work" the way I want them to. I've gotten the closest to a decent sound with Slate mostly because they seem to be the most "track ready," but I'd really like to learn how to make all of these plug-ins work the way I need them to. I'm really partial to SD2 simply because I like the interface, and the layout just makes the most sense to me.

When I hear some of the tracks that guys like Catharsis lay down using SD2, I sit back and say to myself "My SD2 sure as hell doesn't sound like THAT??" Some guys on this board post clips where the drums just sound huge, tight, and sit incredibly well in the mix. My drums just sound boomy, boring, and unpolished.

Any ideas? It's becoming quite obvious to me that good drum sounds come from a lot more blood and sweat than simply loading up a plug in, and slapping on a few compressors.


It sounds like to me that the problem is more on the user approach than the products. I give you a hint: IT DOESN'T MATTER SHIT WHAT IT SOUNDS BY ITSELF! You need to make the song first, and then start tweaking the sounds, because the art of mixing is always about compromises.
Thanks for the quick responses, and great tutorials Matt - I'm definitely going to check them out tonight.

Ajteam - I agree completely with what you are saying. My issue though doesn't really stem from the drums sounding bad on their own - quite the opposite. I think ALL of these plug in's sound AMAZING when they are playing solo. It's when I start mixing after the recording process is done that things tend to fall apart. Frequencies tripping over each other, uncontrolled dynamics, etc. It's the processing and sweetening that turns these samples from drums that sound great, to drums that sound great in the context of a real mix.

Anybody else have any tutorials or tricks that they can recommend?

Well, I would really have to say its more on the programming that makes the kit sound better. For example for this I used only two instances of the "Sky kit" from Native Instrumenst Kore Player (its free, you can get it from from NI's website), one was compressed and had a highpass filter at 35hz, a +1dB bump at 50hz and a -5dB drop at 140hz, the other had no extra processing at all and I think they fit the song quite nicely. And if you listen closely to the kick for example, I let the attack and other random stuff get buried from time to time on purpose, because it gives you this real sensation of loudness, the feeling that "this part is louder than the one before it" compared to the extreme heavy drumsounds where you can hear every single drumhit so it usually gets really boring when everything is really static.

edit: and also see the link in my sig
Post a clip so we can give you specific tips.

But really it comes from experience more than something you can teach. I think the drums are the best part of any of my mixes.. one thing I can say is don't be afraid of doing too much processing - in some cases, less is more, but in others, going overboard can really make something sound sweet.

eg. the mix here:

The kick has like 9 or 10dB of highshelfing, the snare is a mix of the Sneap snare (already a REALLY good snare) which I scooped like 8db, or something stupid like that, out of the mids, and the IF snare which is already REALLY tight with a lot of room, which I compressed by like 10dB. Post settings like that on any other forum and you'll get shot, but it seems to work. The 2 snares are slightly out of time with each other though.

Also, I like my drums scooped. Really scooped, then use clippers n limiters n stuff to make em louder. I use a parallel compressor on the toms bus to control the low-end, also.
Hey Morgoe - thanks for the info.

Here are a few quick clips. Let me know what you think. They are both basically out-of-the box Slate kits, with very little EQ and compression. I don't really know exactly how to quantify the problems, so let me know whatever you feel is wrong.

Clip 1
Clip 2


Wouldn't be good if we could concentrate all the *good* and already discussed post links on a single post and sticky it ? everyday people come asking for things that have already been discussed (me included) cause they can't find it (some didn't even looked for it, I know).
Go to 'Rate my mix/tone thread'
Post your mixes there (drums only). People are gonna give you feedback.
Keep on handing over your mixes and you'll improve.
Here are a few quick clips. Let me know what you think

As I suspected, its mostly because of the programming. Too static. But you should also try to balance them a bit differently, like snare snap a little louder (use hishelf from 3-6khz), kick snap a little quieter and cymbals louder overall. Nothing big, about 1-3dB changes.

Wouldn't be good if we could concentrate all the *good* and already discussed post links on a single post and sticky it ? everyday people come asking for things that have already been discussed (me included) cause they can't find it (some didn't even looked for it, I know).

And It seems you didn't see my post either...

and also see the link in my sig
Hey Morgoe - thanks for the info.

Here are a few quick clips. Let me know what you think. They are both basically out-of-the box Slate kits, with very little EQ and compression. I don't really know exactly how to quantify the problems, so let me know whatever you feel is wrong.

Clip 1
Clip 2



Very first thing I noticed was the overheads sound mono.
the one I quoted to check the link in my sig ;)

Read it already. And its a great post and genius idea man. BUT, I meant that we should do this with otehr discussions we had among various topics like phase cancelation, tom eq, snare eq, HP's etc. Same with guitaras and bass tips... dunno if it is already a damn stupid idea... :Puke: