Any feedback on a mix in progress?

Sounds like a good start so far. Awesome guitar sounds!! The WagnerSharp, same as before? The only real criticism I have, and it just may be a matter of preference: I think the bass could come down a little. When listening with headphones here at work, it kind of rattles my skull at times. Of course, that could be because there's not too much up there and it resonates in the empty space. :lol: But I really like that bass sound also. What did you use there?

Great start mate! Can't wait to hear it finished! :rock:
The guitars are really good sounding, very big. The kick actually sounds good too, but all of it's body gets buried by the rest of the instruments. The snare has a little bit too much room sound in it for my taste, and it sounds like more of a muffled "wham" in the mix than a "CRACK"...but you might have been going for that kind of sound anyway. And I agree with grywolf, that the bass guitar is a little loud. Otherwise, I'd say you're right on track!
The guitars are really good sounding, very big. The kick actually sounds good too, but all of it's body gets buried by the rest of the instruments. The snare has a little bit too much room sound in it for my taste, and it sounds like more of a muffled "wham" in the mix than a "CRACK"...but you might have been going for that kind of sound anyway. And I agree with grywolf, that the bass guitar is a little loud. Otherwise, I'd say you're right on track!


Still sounds great though.
Thanks for all the feedback! I completely agree with you. I have only my small ALP5's in my apartment at the moment, so I often miss stuff that's going on in the lower frequencies. Good that you pointed out the flaws! :) 'll try to fix them when I get back home later tonight. Cheers!

Oh yeah, grywolf627: the guitars are almost the same setup as in the last song, I'll post some details later tonight :)
sounds pretty good! i would say the low end of the bass may be a bit too overwhelming and the snare could be more in your face. i guess if you balance the lows a bit better you could also loose a bit of click in the kick, since the punch might be coming through better (at least that would be how i would like to hear it)
Thanks again for the comments! I tried to fix the things you guys mentioned, without going too far. Here's a new version: wip5.mp3

And now for the details I promised:

The guitars I've already described, but it's pretty much LTD EC-400 w/EMG 81 -> Presonus Firepod -> Cubase SX3 -> Guitarsuite SD-1 -> Wagner Sharp -> CurveEQ -> Revalver RIR (Guitarhack's Fredman impulses, which rock BTW) -> CurveEQ -> Waves C4 -> EQ (HP 80Hz, LP ~10KHz, a small dip around 600Hz).

The bass is some LTD with active pups (loaned from a bass playing friend) -> Firepod -> Ampeg SVX -> Waves RComp -> EQ.

The drums are EZDrummer with the DFH expansion, with third party kick and snare samples blended in. The kick sample is the Mnemic one I found on the FTP (big thanks for the person responsible for it! :)), and the snare is the Sneap one heard on so many mixes on this forum :)

Be sure to ask anything I forgot to mention!
Thanks for the details! I still think the bass could come down some more, but maybe that's the sound you're going for. And my ears have been ringing with tinnitus for two weeks now, so sometimes it's hard for me to judge things accurately (driving me crazy on my own project). It's a great bass sound though. Do you remember which amp/cabinet model in SVX that you used? And I have to see if I have that kick somewhere. :)

Just like with your last song, "Tainted Blood"...this is great sounding, and sounds like it will be an awesome song when finished!
I think you can tell the snare is a mix of samples, at least before the guitars kick in. Other than that, on my phones it sounds pretty cool.

You're right, I just noticed it when I made the new mixdown. I guess I've got some cutting to do :)

grywolf627 said:
Thanks for the details! I still think the bass could come down some more, but maybe that's the sound you're going for. And my ears have been ringing with tinnitus for two weeks now, so sometimes it's hard for me to judge things accurately (driving me crazy on my own project). It's a great bass sound though. Do you remember which amp/cabinet model in SVX that you used? And I have to see if I have that kick somewhere.

Just like with your last song, "Tainted Blood"...this is great sounding, and sounds like it will be an awesome song when finished!

Thanks! You're probably right, I'll check it when I get some headphones over here :)