Any Good price?


Nov 25, 2003
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hey people i was just looking at a store here in nz and i could get Opeth vinyls, Still Life, My Arms Your Hearse, Morningrise and Orchid for $107US, you think this is a good price??
OpethNZ said:
hey people i was just looking at a store here in nz and i could get Opeth vinyls, Still Life, My Arms Your Hearse, Morningrise and Orchid for $107US, you think this is a good price??
seems steep to me. but i wouldnt pay more than 20 per vinyl tops.
NineFeetUnderground said:
seems steep to me. but i wouldnt pay more than 20 per vinyl tops.

yeah i was just looking around and it is quite expensive, oh well depends how much money i feel like spending this paycheck :D
Maiden_NZ said:
The Wellington Real Groovy has serveral Opeth Vinyls for $20 NZ each , I saw Orchid the other day.

yeah i was referring to real groovys site theyre going for like 30-40 each, unfortuanately im in christchurch so cant go look in wellington :(