Any hints/tips on this mix? (Industrial Metal)


They call me Juha
May 15, 2005
Espoo, Finland
I just finished a mix that I did in a completely different way that I usually do. I started with vocals, then added bass, then synths/FX. Then I added individual drumtracks (kick, snare, toms, HH, overhead) and finally guitars. I did groups whenever I had finished an instrument. I guess the advantage is that now I have the vocals pretty clear even in a busy mix :) There was a little bit too much room sound on the untouched vocals, but that's something I can't help.

Anyways: (8.52 MB) (50.3 MB)

My problem area is bass guitar. I can't seem to make it clear and punchy ála Dream Theater - Train of Thought. And something seems to be choking the mix, but looking at the frequency spectrum per-instrument there shouldn't be any major chokepoints :erk:
Yeah, I afree on everything that's been said, more low end as well, feels like there isn't a bass on it at all, but the song sounds fucking good man, get this mixed properly and randomize those drums and it will kick serious amounts of ass.
I like the mix at all (except the mentioned things like bass and a lack of room etc.], just don´t like drums where kick and snare sound to similar, like in this one. *clickerclickerclicker*
Did a fourth version, this time doing some pretty extreme cuts, practically forcing the bass to be heard :lol:, and see how it would work. Oh yeah, I also muted the 50 % L/R guitars and only left two 91 % L/R guitar tracks. Thinned them out a bit, but also cleared up some room for the bass. I also bumped the vocals up a bit:
A little too rumbly now dude, a little less bass and the synths need to be up a little more, and it'll sound good, now get working on those drums as far as randomizing.
Can't really randomize with just one kick sample :erk: and the stock kicks on Ezdrummer suck :puke: The various kicks posted here are usually just for the high end click, and very few samples are more low end oriented. That's what I always find samples and VST drums missing, the low end. They always sound weak.

Oh and the hits are already hand-placed individually out of absolute quantization leaning slightly back and forward.